Issue with Battle VIP and Great Ball
When using either on my first time the game will sometimes show nothing just the window where it should be. I can switch between All and Valid but nothing shows to choose or close. I have to just close the app and take a loss every time. I have encountered this issue at least 3 separate times already. Any suggestions?
Help with redeeming credit issues!
I tried to redeem after having 400k credits and went to get 4 Gold Double Turbo and it said redeem failed. On the 3rd try it was successful but charged me 24k credits. It's acting like I bought 12 of them. Am I just out of luck? That's 8 extra Golds I could've purchased. Can anyone help?
Issues trading credits for alt arts
Had 400k credits and tried to trade for 1 gold Choice Belt and 4 gold Double Turbo and it "failed exchange". Finally went through and was charged for 3 Gold Belts (6000) and 8 gold Double Turbos (16000). Can anyone help me? That's a hefty hit. Any help is great and sorry for the second post right after the first was in…
Is Detective Pikachu Banned?
I can't seem to use Detective Pikachu (BSP #SM190) for my "Expanded" deck. I've tried creating a new deck with different options and different Pokemon cards but nothing seems to work or allows me to use it after after validation.
Card "Lady" simply didn't work
It's a bit random as I don't know what triggers this problem, but cards where you have to make a selection from the deck simply will not let you add them to the hand. In my example with the support card "Lady" I could not drag or click the energy cards from the deck to my hand when they were clearly available to be chosen.
Is the web portal redemption system broken?
I redeemed 7 codes in the web portal, and when i logged into the game it gave me a single booster pack. i redeemed a few in the game and each code gave me a booster pack am i missing 6 rewards? i tried submitting a request in getting help but there does not appear to be any way to do so, its just a blank page with the…
Camera Not Working on Pokemon Live
Hi Everyone, I am new to the game and I'm trying to redeem codes and while my camera works on other apps, and I've given permission to Pokemon Live to use camera, it is still not working. Any Suggestions? Thank you very much in advance. Leon
Quaquaval ex vs Rocky Helmet
As of 20 Jul 2023, the interaction between Quaquaval ex and Rocky Helmet is still problematic. For example, when Quaquaval ex attacked (with Exciting Dance) a Pokemon with Rocky Helmet attached, when Quaquaval ex switched itself with a Benched Pokemon, it DOES NOT receive 2 damage counters from Rocky Helmet ! This does not…
Spidops ex ability/grass knot attack NOT WORKING multiple matches
Spidops ex Trap Territory reads: your opponents active pokemon's retreat cost is one (colorless) more This have not worked for a few days since last update. This is combined with leafeon VMAX grass knot attack not registering the right damage and only doing 60 base even on pokemon with a base retreat value of two or more.…
Reversal Energy bug?
As shown in the screenshot, I was behind in prize cards but the reversal energy attached to Cresselia didn't enable its 2nd attack which costs exactly 3 energies.