Chien-Pao EX versus Regieleki V damage calculation bug
Regieleki V had bravery charm and 3 electric energies Chien-Pao EX discarded 2 water energies but Regieleki V only received 20 damage
consistently crashing
I logged in today at 2:00 PM Eastern (UTC-4). I played two full games. I tried to queue for a second game and immediately crashed after witnessing a unity pop up window pop up on my taskbar. I thought it was a one time thing, and queued for another game. Then about 4 turns of play after the start of the game it happened…
Greninja V-Union bugs
There are multiple bugs with Greninja V-Union, with most of them being hard to reproduce. There is one however which is constantly happening, when you try to take multiple prizes after knocking out multiple pokemon with Twisted Shuriken attack. Another random bug which happened in a video and i have no explanation for it.…
Error 10010 from Japan
I’m in Japan for the World Championship, and would like to keep playing on Live. I get error 10010 when trying to log in from here? Could you please remove that restriction?
Please include the ability a way to filter retreat costs and HP
Being able to filter by these attributes would be greatly appreciated and would be helpful in building certain decks.
I want to play the EXP mode with my friend!!!!
I really want to play the EXP mode with my friend.It's important to us . we can use the old deck to battle, it can bring us back to the first time to play thePTCG and I can use the old card get from the PTCGOL!please!!!!
[BUG] Can't Search Deck
I keep having this bug where some games I cannot search my deck, all the cards appear as unavaiable and I have to forfeit. Is this a feature to make the game more random?
not allowing to select certain cards from deck search
hi i reported this several months ago and it still is happening: several in game mechanics that offer deck search and selection of a card seem not to work consistently i just experienced now with lost zone deck using flower select. the game offered me (top 2 cards) a nest ball and an energy card i wanted the nest ball but…
One of few gamebreaking bugs on PC
Another example of the game literally(!) not being playable on PC. This time i could not place my basic pokemon at the start of the game on my first and probably only game today. The Cynthia card for some reason popped up at the center of the screen. Not being able to click it away at all. Eventually timer ran out and i…
What makes the Microsoft Surface Duo incompatible with this app?
The previous game, Pokemon TCG Online, worked just fine on the Surface Duo, which currently runs Android 12. I don't see any system requirements that the Surface Duo doesn't meet. Yet, Pokemon TCG Live is not compatible with the device.