cheryl healing bug

I have noticed with the supporter card cheryl that when i use it to heal a damaged evolution pokemon it will discard any and all energies attached to my pokemon even if they are a basic or not damaged.
for example, i played a game last night where my active was the basic entei v who was damaged with 2 energy attached while i also had a damaged skeledirge ex on the bench with 2 energy attached. cheryl healed the skeledirge ex and discarded energy as expected but did not heal entei v however entei v's energy was discarded.
and recently i had a skeledirge ex in the active with damage and 2 energy attached as well as a skeledirge ex on the bench with 2 energy attached and no damage. i played cheryl which healed the active but discarded both skeledirge ex's enegies.
this is a deck breaking bug with cheryl as neither time has it played properly and cost me the game both times.
Hello Trainer,
Thank you for your report. I recommend you open a ticket for this issue with the support team. To do so, visit then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us".
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Thank you so much for sharing.