gardevoir ex psychic embrace
places extra 2 damage counters after finishing ability, causing self KO, which isn't even possible according to ability text
switch cart healing all
my opponent played switch cart on a pokemon with 60 damage on it, and the item card healed it all, resulting in a potential winning effort
Overvolt discharge bugged
Simply put every single time I've used it the ability more or less ends my turn because it doesn't allow me to actually distribute the energy. Im fairly sure this is not a connection issue sense it's happened 5 times straight. I recommend avoiding using this till it's fixed.
Stacked basic pokemon on setup turn
Had a weird bug show up when playing first basic pokemon during setup phase. Had a charmander and ho-oh in my hand. With charmander on the farthest left spot and ho-oh to the right of it, I tried to play ho-oh. When I did both cards went to the active spot. It had ho-oh on top but with only 70 hp. I could not click on it…
no reward from daily quest bug is back....
as title said, i dont receive any rewards from daily quest again today… no exp, no credits.. wasnt it already fixed?
Ultra Ball / Earthen Vessel on empty deck.
Hi, this has happened multiple times now, enough to the point to log a complaint. Often in the tense moments at the end of a game, I'll use Ultra Ball or Earthen Vessel to discard something. If I have no cards in my deck at that time, I'm locked out of doing any actions as I play the card, making my turn end, guarenteeing…
Transferencia de cartas
Hola: Si bien encontré los accesorios que canjeé en TCGO para cada Elite Box que compré. No encuentro las cartas especiales que algunos de los elite box tienen. Ahora no encuentro cartas especiales que canjeé de paquetes especiales de las expansiones Celebration y Pokémon GO que me acuerdo. ¿Qué puedo hacer?
Mewtwo Ex bugged?
Either I don't understand the card or I've now encountered a bugged Mewtwo Ex? Photon Kinesis should be doing 10+ damage for each Psychic energy attached to ALL Pokémon. In the last 2 games I had against a Mewtwo Ex there was only a total of 2 Psychic energy cards on the whole playing field and the attack did 200dmg! In…
Missing cards
I have cards missing when I am trying to edit my deck, but on my card listing it says I have them
My Pokémon cards are missing and even my sleeves and coins are missing
I had a deck of cards of the Pokémon go Mewtwo deck box and when I got back on, they’re gone I put in the all couple years back and a couple days back when I got back on