Bug: Improper name for Mega Beedrill EX promo
The name for the mega beedrill EX promo is improperly named "xy_prc_megabeedrill (loc missing)" (I redeemed these already so no free codes for u :) )
iPhone, iPad and MacBook Heating Issues!
I have played this app on each of my Apple devices, both on battery and charger, and all of them get very, very HOT while playing TCG Live. Help! Is anyone else experiencing this? Is it a bug? A setting issue?
Mesagoza (Stadium) Bug
Card Text Once during each player's turn, that player may flip a coin. If heads, that player searches their deck for a Pokémon, reveals it, and puts it into their hand. Then, that player shuffles their deck. I've used the effect of this card multiple times without incident however today, when I flipped heads, and seven…
Will the missing rewards for daily tasks be resolved for everyone?
I did not receive my daily challenges rewards. Instead of being marked as complete and allowing the reward to be claimed, both challenges changed to other challenges and/or didn't show progress. I completed enough games to have completed four sets of challenges. There appears to be many discussion threads open currently…
Possible server
Playing a game the other player kept timing-out to pass the turn until I win the game by taking the prizes. Thought is was 3 time-out in the row then is ended the game
Pikachu ex 028/131 (not the one you're thinking) acts as a Tera Pokemon ex
You can use Pikachu ex 028/131 as a Tera pokemon for abilities like Jewel Seeker. Thankfully not that broken since it sucks anyways.
I have just encountered an error 15 access denied on my mobile phone and unable to get to my account
Why I am not receiving anything on Daily Rewards?
Several times this week, I have completed the two daily tasks, clicked the "Collect" tabs and received nothing. It plays the music, but the tab stays highlighted like nothing happened. Once you leave the screen and come back, it is on the "Check Back For A New Quest" screen. I've been shorted about 450 Trainer Points and…
no players to battle!!
can we please have an offline option to fight NPCs?? i've been waiting over an hour and there's STILL no one to battle against!!
How many people have experienced weakness not getting calculated?
There have been multiple instances where weakness was not calculated for attacks. I have experienced it both when my active pokemon gets attacked, and also when making an attack against an opponent's active pokemon. This has happened enough times, across multiple clients, that I don't want to play on Live until I see a…