Why am I not getting my stuff on tcg online after redeeming the code?
like 3 weeks ago I stopped receiving all of my items from codes after redeeming several codes and then tossing them. Then today I redeemed 2 booster packs, they both worked so I redeemed my ultra premium collection code and it didn’t give me my stuff but it says I redeemed the code. Please help I’m missing so much stuff
When I had my deck at 0 cards, I played Explorer's Guidance, only to have it stuck on the play area, not going to the Discard Pile, and then after some time (the count-down isn't showing, the game state still has the Explorer's Guidance card on the center play area), my turn ended. Opponent's turn started, and the…
Tsareena ex vs Milotic ex bug?
I have a Tsareena ex which is a tera pokemon and it has an attack called icicle sole, which just reduces the other pokemon's hp to 30. Icicle sole worked against Milotic ex on the bench, but the other attack didn't work. Is there a reason for this? According to Milotic ex's ability, it doesn't seem like this should work.
Bug with completing missions
After finishing the missions, we all have to click the button to get the exp& gems. But recently, it always get lagged after clicking the finish button, it just stuck there. I could click any other buttons to view any pages. After coming back the pass page, I just saw the mission was finished and disappeared, but I didnt…
Arceus League Leaderboard
Are there plans for there to be a public leaderboard for the Arceus League? I think it would be an excellent motivator (and also just generally cool) to see where you rank globally compared to your friends, your opponents, and other players. At minimum, a system similar to what is offered when you reach the Master Ball…
Pinsir TWM Slow Crunch treated as special condition rather than effect [BUG]
During testing, I have seen the Slow Crunch effect of Pinsir TWM get negated for several different reasons, most of which are illegitimate. The main one that is working is the Snorlax from the Lugia VSTAR deck's unfazed fat ability, negating all effects of attacks. What has lead me to believe that it is being treated as a…
Pikachu ex (Prismatic Evolutions 28)
In the deck editor, when filtering for Basic and Tera ex, both Prismatic Evolutions and Surging Sparks Pikachu ex are in the results, though only the latter is Tera. (Android)
Iron hands ex with iron baton can damage mimikyu? Chien pao Ex shivering chill was used on mimikyu while cancelling cologne was played?
Pinsir TWM Slow Crunch treated as a special condition, not an effect
Just got this deck today, but in the very first match I was playing against an Arcanine ex deck. I used slow crunch on the Growlithe, and then on the opponent's turn, they evolved into Arcanine. The slow crunch did not KO on their turn. Testing in the deck editor also leads me to believe that it is treated as a special…
Selection bug
I was just playing a game and realized that I wasn’t able to select one of my opponents charizard ex cards. It just so happened to be the card I needed to get rid of at that moment and couldn’t boss’s order it. I couldn’t select it at all, couldn’t even look at it. I tried everything I could to try to move that card with…