Teal Mask Ogrepon glitch

Ran into a series of weird glitches in one match regarding Myriad Leaf Shower. Opponent had three Ogrepons in play, two on the bench with no energy attached one active with 3 Grass energies and no damage. My active card is Regidrago V with 1 Fire and 1 Grass energy and I have 20 damage. So, not being able to retreat, I made the play to energy switch one of my energies off Regidrago to my own Ogrepon on the bench so now, even if my opponent adds a fourth energy to his active Ogrepon, 4+1=5, 5×30+30=180 and my Regidrago hangs on with 20 hp left. Except that didn't happen. Not only did the attack still deal 210 damage, but my opponent didn't even add a fourth energy on their turn. They immediately attacked and what should've been 150 damage instead dealt 210, weird, annoying but not the end of the match, so i shrug it off.
But then, things got even weirder.
My turn I throw in my Ogrepon, also with 3 energies now, Teal Dance and end up with 4 and knock his out easily. Their next turn ends with a Feraligatr in the active spot after they attach one energy to one of their benched Ogrepons. On my turn I attach a fifth energy and use Boss's Orders to call up their Ogrepon with the 1 energy and knock it out, everything seems back to normal and glitch over, right? Nope. They send their third Ogrepon up with no energy attached, throw on one energy and use Myriad Leaf Shower, dealing 210 and knocking out my Ogrepon, winning the battle. But that move requires 3 Grass energy to use, and they only had one. And to make matters worse, it was a Water Energy, which counts towards the damage calculation but that move shouldn't have been possible for them to use.
It's almost as if that many uses of the same move between multiple copies of the same card in succession bugged the memory or something. Like maybe the game recalled the total energy counts from the damage calculations and that overwrote the energy requirement check? Idk exactly, but would like to see if anyone else has encountered any similar glitches, or is able to repeat the error.