Torracat - SWSH12, two bugs with the effect of Gritty Claws

Situation1: In my turn, my active Torracat had 10 hp left (full hp is 80) and had a Leftover tool card attached. I used Ardent Dancing ability by Oricorio - SV02 three times to heal 60. Then I attacked with Gritty Claws. Then my turn ends and Torracat was healed to full hp because of Leftover. However, I checked the green triangle, the effect of Gritty Claws was not on the Torracat. Even if the Torracat had full hp, it was still knocked by my opponent.
Situation2: I also tried the same situation except that I healed the Torract to full hp by using the Ardent Dancing ability by Oricorio - SV02 four times. . Then I attacked with Gritty Claws. This time, the effect was on Gritty Claws and my opponent was not able to knocked it out.
You see. The bug may be caused by when the program checks whether Torracat is full hp and thus enjoys the effect of Gritty Claws. It should be checked when my opponent attacks. However, it seems to me that it was checked when my Torracat attacks. In the two situations above, Torract was not in full HP when it attacked (leftover heals after the attack) in case 1, but it has full hp when it attacked in case 2.
Even if my Torracat is taking the effect of Gritty Claws, it can still be knocked out straight, instead of having 10HP remaining, if my opponent use an attack that say "this attack is not affected by any effect of your opponent". This is clear a bug because the effect of Gritty Claws does not affect my opponent's attack. My opponent's attack is not affected by any effect from Gritty Claws and it technically still knocked out my Torracat first. However, Torracat should survive because of the effect of Gritty Claws.
Please fixed these two bugs as soon as possible.