Twitch drops from EUIC (appeared and then) disappeared from Pokemon rewards page
So I watched enough EUIC Twitch stream to claim 2 sets of booster packs and the Walking Wake ETB. They all appeared on the Pokemon rewards page. Then I watched more on other channels and claimed 2 sets of booster packs and the Garafarai deck. When I looked on the Pokemon rewards page, the Garafarai deck showed up, but the…
Leafy Camo Poncho Bug?
I used Boss Order to Benched Arceus VStar with no item, when opponent's active pokemon is Alolan Vulpix VStar that has Camo Poncho, Camo Poncho PREVENTS my Boss Order. This is clearly the wrong behavior.
Unbelievable Game Breaking Bug (Chaotic Swell)
Sometimes I actually wonder if the people who make this game even play Pokemon, or for that matter even like Pokemon. Anyways, given that standard is unplayable at the moment with a myriad of technical game breaking bugs, I opted to go play expanded, far far away from where the new cards not being programmed could hurt me,…
Energy retrieval is pulling energy from discard back into discard.
I encountered an error where when during a match against Arceus V when I used my superior and normal energy retrieval the cards would immediately be placed back into discard and not my hand.
Rank Logos/Symbols do not show
I am talking about the rank (or ladder) logo. Each level has its own logo (Pikachu, Scorbunny etc.) but for me I just see a white area where the relevant rank logo should appear.
mirage gate not working,not able to retreve energy from lost zone
Hi, I have this bug on ptcg live on both computer and phone where I have psychic grass and water energy cards in the lost zone but am only able to retrieve psychic energy and not the other energies, is anyone else experiencing the bug or is it just me? And can the bug be fixed pleaee.
Unable to redeem twitch drop
The first twitch drop was redeemed without issues. However when redeeming the second drop (for watching another 30 minutes), I got: "The limit of this promotion has been reached. 2 Booster Packs: Crimson & Crimson - Obsidian Flames" It still shows "Redeemed 1/4"
Prime catcher not working properly
Just did a test deck game. AI had 2 pokemon on the bench and I was only able to select the far left pokemon on the bench and unable to click on the pokemon to the right of it. I was playing on PC
Sound issue
I have to click on the settings icon before any sound comes out of the program. I've tested it every time I open the app. It won't play music or make sfx noise unless I click the settings icon. I'm sure others have mentioned this or had it happen.
Bug: Explorer's Guidance
I found a bug with Explorer's Guidance where, if you have 0 cards in your deck and play Explorer's Guidance, the game freezes up until you run out of time. The card stays on the board until your hand is reshuffled. It's the second bug I've run into playing Great Tusk milling deck.