(Suggestion) asynchronous games
this game is really slow and it takes a long time to play many duels. I suggest having an asynchronous mode where you can play hundreds of players at once. Basically you would have a list of games and in the list each game would be flagged for if there is an action for you to take, or when it is your turn. If theres an…
Colress experiment bug
I have run into this bug so many times playing lost zone deck. There is one card that I just can't add to my hand. Just now was facing future hands and it was my Cram that got bugged and left me with no response to the miraidon (lucky enough that did not cost me my game). When will PTCGL fix this problem ?
Spamming the emotes
Hi, I was just playing a game on the casual ladder and I was paired against someone trying to make a glaceon stall deck type thing. About half way through the game they started aggressively using the thumbs down emote at me for playing the game. I was using a deck with the Bellosom from Obsidian Flames (OBF 003), so while…
Revavroom ex causes game to crash
I have started to play a deck that uses revavroom ex in it. I have noticed that the game will consistently crash if a tool card is removed in any way from revavroom ex and then another tool is attached to revavroom. My game has crashed when lost vacuum was used to remove a tool, when revavroom's ability was nullified from…
Clicking an attack or ability does not work
Hello, I have had this issue multiple times now, like once every five games I would say, where I click on an attack or an ability and the game just refuses to acknowledge my click. I have lost multiple games because of this bug which basically makes me waste a turn. This is extremely irritating, especially on higher ladder…
Time out during game opening screen
Sometimes on Android the game fails to load and you are stuck in the game opening screen showing the two players. You can not proceed which leads to the timer starting at the top of the screen. The timer then runs out and you loose the game before even starting. Has anyone else seen this bug and is this something that is…
TCGL constantly crashing on Ipad since 31st March Update?
Since the 31st March Update I have not been able to finish a single game on my Ipad because it has been crashing so much(literally every game). Please tell me how you can fix this or even better just fix it yourselves lol.
New bug perhaps
Happenned during recent game, the longer you look at it, the worse it gets. I couldn't exit this window, lost the turn and then the game
bibarel divolve bug
if my opp devolves my bibarel i cant use ability anymore ever in the game
Matched twice at the same time
On the android app, I was attempting to start a ranked match. I matched with someone and was able to pick heads or tails, but I then got a second match found screen (where it shows you and your opponent) with a different player. The app never moved from the match found screen to either match, but while the match found…