Landscape view
I was expecting to be able to play the game in landscape view instead of having to deal with the profile view on my iPad.
Land Collapse Bugged
When you use land collapse while the opponent has less than 4 cards, it only discards 1, even if you use an ancient supporter that turn.
Two Pokémon in active spot??
I started a game and for some reason, when I put my first Pokémon in the active spot, TWO of my cards ended up going on top of one another. It had the HP of one and the name of the other. Literally game breaking. I tried to swap it out and the game broke.
POGO Charizard Energy Value bug
Occasionally encounter a bug where the incorrect energy values are applied to energy when discarding for retreat or attack when the Pokemon Go set Charizard is in play (Each fire energy counts as 2 fire energy.) For example, when using 151 Charizard with Pogo Charizard on bench, 151 Charizard is allowed to use Explosive…
Stuck Against Gym Leader/Elite Four
Just hit a roadblock in Pokémon journey that's really frustrating. After hours of training, can't seem to defeat a certain Gym Leader or Elite Four member. It's starting to feel like, tried everything, adjusted team composition and refined battle strategy, but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else faced a similar…
Chaotic Swell cannot ignore all effects of the new Stadium card.
Even if Chaotic Swell is in play, when the opponent uses Path to the Peak, it will go into the discard pile. However, Path to the Peak still works. Eternatus VMAX has no Ability. Chaotic Swell cannot ignore all effects of the new Stadium card. Please fix this bug.
Getting matched into the wrong rank
hi I'm in great all tier and I've started being matched into mostly master ball players and some high ultra ball players. That's not how ranked is meant to work, either you only play people around your rank or you gain more for winning against higher ranks and lose less for losing to higher ranks. I'm playing master ball…
Weaknesses not working?
The weaknesss of cards are only applying the multiplyer sometimes, is this a glitch or hidden mechanic I'm unaware of?
Game crashes to home screen on iPad 9th Gen
Every other game or so the game crashes and you are being sent back to iOS. This often happens after editing your deck and returning to the home screen. Has anyone else experienced this bug and is this something that is being worked on? Does certain iOS versions and iPads work better with this game?
Paldean Fates Update Bug?
Anyone else have an issue where packs re-rolled themselves on closing and re-opening the game? I opened the 7 packs given with the new battle pass only to then see those cards disappear as new packs were given when I reopened the app. I'm not concerned about what was lost/gained. Just curious if this happened to anyone…