Looking for Moltres EX
hi guys, I have almost all the other cards, so tell me what you need for Moltres
Did you know if you take half damage from top regi if you hug wall. Damage from angles probably should be checked
Reconnecting doesn't work on switch
It waits 4 mins before reconnecting. This is a bug since june
Blastoise-EX / Turtok-EX
Friend ID: 6315465873168068 I really need that Blastoise-EX / Turtok-EX to complete my Kanto Pokédex. I can offer Genkar, Gyarados, Starmie, Arkani, Zapdos, Machamp, Marowak and Wigglytuff. Of course all above are also EX
Do these cards I created look real?
Explained reason all May's Pokémon in rotation, besides Glaceon, are not in "Partners in Time!"
May has all her seven Pokémon that he has right now in rotation, including Blaziken (for her Hoenn regional first partner Pokémon as Torchic), Beautifly, Skitty, Venusaur, Munchlax, Wartortle and Glaceon. All of May's Pokémon that she has right now in rotation, including Blaziken, other than Glaceon, have not appeared in…
what are your favorite pokemon cards
just type all of them right here!!! enjoy!
Cards to trade
Guys, I need the following cards to complete my collection: Gengar Ex, Blastoise Ex, G1 cards: Alakazan, Meowth, Gloom, Pinsir, Gyaradus, Diglet I have available for trade: EX Mewtwo, Moltres, Starmie, Pikachu, Zapdos, Wigglytuff, Pidgeot G1 Charmander, Squirtle, Lapras, Electrode, Nidoking, Executor, My ID:…
New mewtwo theorie!!!
When the video battle between mewtwo and red's mega charizard X came up on my screen, i started to get into pokemon and look deeper into this until i noticed that there were 3 mewtwo's when there was only supposed to be 2. let me explain. We all know that the og mewtwo first broke out of the lab he was created in and then…
Why can't I bring my old cards from the original trading card game to Pokémon live?