Who believes me?
okay, hear me out… I know I've been causing a beautiful chaos on the forums but with recently beating Sca&Violet I've come to the conclusion… (Spoiler) Penny is covering it up and showing up after their meeting. The Principal… dun… dun… dun… covering up as well. Please tell me what you think of my hypothesis and answer if…
Don’t Hide Card Quantity When Scrolling
Just wanted to hop on to say it would be really nice if the game didn’t hide the number of each card you have when you’re scrolling through your cards. It makes buying flair for your cards feel even more tedious than it already is. Having to wait for it to stop completely every time you scroll just to find you have to…
B 2&W 2 was your first game
I'm looking for those of us that their first game was Black 2 or White 2. Have you replayed it recently? What are the most nostalgia induced moments for you? Do you know it is the worst Pokemon game? Which starter did you choose first? Which starter do you play with now? Would you ever gift someone the game?
add meeee! :D
Why do some posts require approval, while others seem to go up instantaneously?
I have no idea which forum is most appropriate for meta discussion about the Pokémon forums, or if such topics are even permitted. This is my best guess, so I apologise if this is the wrong place. Why do some posts have to be held for approval? I have noticed that frequently my posts will be held for approval, which…
A Possible "Reset" to the Pokemon Games
It's no secret that Scarlet and Violet are the worst pokemon games to ever be released. It's also no secret that Unite is a complete disaster. And don't even get me started on LIVE. Here's what I propose. A reset to the Pokemon Games. Most of you are probably scratching your heads right now and wondering what I'm on about.…
Pokemon fire red
I have been play pokemon fire red on my gba sp. I was wondering if this is a good team for elite 4 if I level them up more? I will list them here, Dugtrio -lvl 43 Pidgeot-44 Machoke-47 Snorlax-47 Blastoise-45 Exeggcute-29 working on this one.
Can't find Eevee sleeves for current event
I logged in on Jan. 24th but can't seem to find the "nine exclusive card sleeves" under deck customization. I found the deck box, coin, and shirts though. Did anyone else get theirs?
Players that leave the match without pressing concede button should be punished!
This is actually annoying, why should we have to wait about 90secs everytime they rage quit? it's obviously their problem, make them not able to play again for hours as punishment pls
Evil team bracket 21