Search Melmetal
I can give golem, vileplume and serperior
Genetic Apex missing?
I had 1250 pack points I was going to spend on a Full Art but now the pack is gone. How am I supposed to spend it now?
Trading is entirely useless
I was looking forward to the trading system because I’m still missing the promo Butterfree from Lapras (despite pulling over 40 packs when that promo was running) but it is impossible to obtain now. I was also looking forward to trading one or two of my 4 crown Charizards for other crowns or 3 stars since I obviously don’t…
The new trading system is horrible
Exactly what the title says: who at DeNa thought this system would be good for anyone at all? Extremely convoluted AND expensive on top, yet without being useful for people who actually spend a lot of money on the game (why trade cards when you already have all of them?). Practically throwing away 5 (Five!!!) EX cards for…
Agregares me fot spanish cards in TCG POCKET
Need Pidgeot ex - Mythical Island 59/68
I would like to offer one of the below for the above card in a trade please - I have the trade points ready Moltres Ex; Machamp Ex; Maroak Ex; Articuno Ex; Zaptos Ex My ID: 4836222887520648
Trades Needed Art Cards
Need 1⭐️ Art Cards: Dragonite, Dedenne, and Salandit Let me know what you need Friend Code: 3770384401496117 Thanks!
Atrocious and heavy handed trading system
As a player who has played pretty much every day since launch, it's pretty ridiculous to implement a system that both alienates f2p and whales alike. In an alleged attempt to prevent misuse of the game, Pocket erred on the side of greed at the expense of player experience. Just because "that's how it goes" in gacha or…
Need Weezing Gold Star
ID: 4449657632205565 I am looking for Weezing 1 Gold Star 243/226. I have to trade (all are 1 Gold Star): Gyrados, Rapidash, Nidoqueen, Exeggutor, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Gloom, Slowpoke and others.
Did I just win the Pokémon lottery? 🤯
Alright folks, I need some serious clarification here. Did I just achieve the Pokémon equivalent of winning the lottery? 🎰 I opened a single pack in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, and BOOM 💥—5 cards, ALL with double gold stars! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Like… is this a glitch? A divine blessing? A deal with the Poké-Devil I don’t remember…