Leafeon Attack Bug
Leafeon's move states that once the attack is used it cannot attack on the next turn. This can be bypassed by switching it with a fossil card and then replacing it by discarding the fossil. Now the attack can be used again. Just had someone exploit that which was a bit upsetting. I hope it either gets fixed soon or doesn't…
Stacked basic pokemon on setup turn
Had a weird bug show up when playing first basic pokemon during setup phase. Had a charmander and ho-oh in my hand. With charmander on the farthest left spot and ho-oh to the right of it, I tried to play ho-oh. When I did both cards went to the active spot. It had ho-oh on top but with only 70 hp. I could not click on it…
Promo Cards and Exclusivity
Hi, so I was trying to finish my promo card deck (at least, of those that are available in drop events, I understand why the premium pass ones are exclusive) and when starting a trade, I realized that I could not ask for nor trade them with others. Does this mean that the promo cards are exclusive to the drop events and…
The Post-Battle UI Discourages Giving Thanks
The "Thanks"/add friend screen should be the first screen to appear after a battle, before the several pages of statistics. As it stands, I have to click 5 times to get to the screen, and the third page of statistics has the "OK" button exactly where the "X" on the next page is, meaning if I am quickly trying to scroll…
Whenever my pokemon with a heavy baton attatched are knocked out none of the energy cards appear on screen for me to drag down to my benched pokemon. Anyone else having this issue?
No ex mode and number of decks allowed
Hello, I don't know if these have been discussed yet, but I have two suggestions: - Allow us to create more than 15 decks (at least 20) - Create a mode of battle where we only can use pokemons NO EX e we can gain points of experience too (maybe this is will help us to use a greater diversity of cards that we tend to left…
no reward from daily quest bug is back....
as title said, i dont receive any rewards from daily quest again today… no exp, no credits.. wasnt it already fixed?
LF Weavile EX in TCG Pocket
Just making a fun chip damage deck and would be happy to make a trade for a Weavile EX. Got alot of cards to offer of equal rarity. Doesn't have to be Full Art either. (b*,*)b
Trading for a couple cards
hello to all, im currently looking for some cards. im willing to trade i have some really rare cards that i wouldn't mind trading up if its worth it. the following cards im looking for: 1 Basic Weezing with the ablilty. 2 Darkrai Ex 1 Gengar Ex my in game name if someone wants to add me is Mr.PokeNoob,
The official store process
we’re trying to become an official Pokemon store, but the process is extremely unclear. Is there anyone who can walk us through this?