About the creation of Sirfetch'd
As I said on a comment from my very first thread, Sirfetch'd's design has nothing to do with a certain scrapped evolution. Here's what Shigeru Ohmori has stated about it On Sirfetch'd in particular, it seems like it's based on an old evolution for Farfetch'd that was in the Gold and Silver demo that was uncovered - is it…
Mirror B
Mirror B is such a cool guy. If I don't see him in the pokemon presents tomorrow I'm literally gonna eat my socks. He has a cool afro that's like a poke ball and he has a cool theme song. What are everyone's thoughts on this character?
Super Poke Bros Part 2
IMPORTANT INFO Olimar is the same size as other characters Zelda Olimar and Lucina wake up in Unova Lucina: Wh- where are we? Olimar: It appears to be the Unova region Zelda: How do you know? Olimar: Red and Leaf described an area where the past and future collide Lucina: Sounds like a hunch, all I see is a few old houses…
Potential spin off games remakes in Pokemon presents
Putting main series games aside as the main series pokemon games need more time to get the bugs work out, There's always the spin off games that deserves remakes like Poke Park, Pokemon Colosseum, Battle revolution, Pokemon stadium, Ranger, and Pinball. That's just the beginning.
Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase
I already seen the official announcement that the partner showcase for nintendo will be presented tomorrow at 6 AM pacific time. I'm ready for it.
What is your favorite Pokémon move
Final gambit decorate or bitter blade is mine
v2.0: What about a Pokkén Tournament sequel or spiritual successor?
Right after New Pokémon Snap, do you think that Nintendo, Bandai Namco and The Pokemon Company will have plans to announce Pokkén Tournament sequel or spiritual successor? Why?
Pokemon Base Form Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 8
I have decided to start doing 3 matches at the same time so please check those out as well! Popplio VS Piplup
Pokemon Base Form Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 10
We have 2 other rounds going on right now so please check those out! Since we have an extra Pokemon we will do a 3 way round. Cyndaquil VS Snivy VS Fuecoco We have now introduced one starter from every generation! Unova is the secound generation to send all starters into the war of The Official Pokemon Forums
Pokemon Base Form Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 9
We have 2 other rounds going on at the same time so please check those out! Chespin VS Turtwig First a Fire VS Fire Match then a Water VS Water Match now a Grass VS Grass Match