Favorite Fighting Type
Time to choose on the best fighting type Pokemon. I was tempted to say my favorite was Annihilape, but I have decided on Quaquaval.
Your Poison Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were an poison type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of Nidoking, Toxtricity, Crobat, Amoonguss, Beedril, and Alolan Muk. The gym would be garbage dump and the chalange would be to go around town with a Galaran Weezing and Garbodor to collect garbage and…
What is the best ability
Personally I like protean, wonder guard, and sap sipper (azumarill hidden ability)
Gym leader bracket #3
Cheren vs juan
Pokemon Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 5
Litten Vs Eevee @Michael629303 Said I could vote so 1 for Litten Previous Rounds Squirtle Vs Charmander Totodile Vs Scorbunny Grookey Vs Treecko Lets let a fire starter enter the good starter list PLEASE
Pokémon Protagonist Tournament: Round 1, Match 4
This time, we have: Juliana (Paldea/SV female protagonist) Vs Hilda (BW1 female protagonist) So far, those who have won are: May, Akari, and Ethan And those who've lost are: Elio, Victor, and Leaf
Pokemon Base Form (and Pikachu) Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 4
This Round Is Going To Be Rough Squirtle VS Charmander The Previous Rounds Were (winners in bold) Oshawott VS Tepig Grookey VS Treecko Totodile VS Scorbunny Can I Vote?
Favorite Legendary Contest 4
For this round we have pokemon that control life and death The Life Giver Xerneas The Soul Destroyer Yveltal I have to say that the "evil" pokemon I like more.
Mythical bracket round 2 #3
Volcanion (magearna protector) vs genesect (plasma canon)
Gym leader bracket #2
Melony vs clemont two of my favorite gym leaders (melony because my sister has same name different spelling) and (clemont because the anime)