Britt Daniels
I need help to update to play pokemon live.😔
Gym leader bracket #6
Candice vs ramas i can not think of any similarities between them
Mythical bracket round 3 #2
The princess gem that glows when it has a mega DIANCE vs the greedy fella who’s big form has been trapped in a bottle HOOOA vs the one called the prince of the sea MANAPHY
Gouging Fire trade ?????
Raging bolt or iron crown
Best Catches of the Pokemon Go Sinnoh Tour?
The Sinnoh Tour has basically come to a close, and I want to know what everybody's best catches were, because the shiny odds were boosted for some Pokemon. My best catch was my Shiny Uxie! What were yours? I was barely able to play, so I just wanna know.
Pokémon Protagonist Tournament (Round 1 Match 5)
This match was not picked randomly! We have the two female Johto protagonists against each other! Kris (Pokémon Crystal female protagonist, also the first female protagonist) Vs. Lyra (HGSS female protagonist) Winners so far: May, Akari, Ethan, Hilda Losers so far: Elio, Victor, Leaf, and Juliana
Mythical bracket reflection
Before the final match should be a time to think did your favorite mythical make it into the finals or looks like it’s going to make it to the finals or has it not please let me know my favorite was meloetta and it sadly was eliminated
Pokemon Base Stage Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 7
Fenniken VS Chimchar Looks like we have another fiery feist Previous Rounds - Oshawott Grookey Totodile Squirtle Litten Mudkip Tepig Treecko Scorbunny Charmander Eevee Pikachu it's good that another fire starter is in the running
Which is favorite steel type Pokémon?
answer in the comments
Introducing Smash Bros In Pokemon
(Based On a Wooden Plank Studios Comic Series) Some of our smash bros are wanting to go on a pokemon adventure but who should we choose to go on that adventure and which region do we go too? Pokemon Region 3 Fighters at least 1 boy and 1 girl/ only humans