Kalos War 2
The Kalos war takes place around 3000 years before X/Y So since the game likely takes place somewhat after a kalos war could we have another war take place?
Your Rock Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were an Rock type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of Tyrantrum or Aurorus (Depending on the time of day), Cradily or Armaldo (Also depending on the time of day), Garganacl, Lycanroc Midnight, Gigalith, and Aggron. I would be a museum curator and…
Gym leader bracket #9
Cress vs allistar
Grew up to be disappointed
I’ve been compelled to share my thoughts on the recent releases of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and I’m eager to hear your opinions as well. Having been a passionate follower of the Pokémon series since my childhood, it’s with a heavy heart that I express my profound disappointment with these latest entries. The joy and…
Which Pokémon would you like to have Mega Evolution?
Now that Pokémon Legends Z-A has been announced, and the return of Mega Evolutions as well, which Pokémon could possibly have Mega Evolutions? I would particularly love for Ninetales to get a Mega-Evolution, it could have a Mega Charizard Z, maybe the supposed starters of this Legends could have a mega evolution too, I…
Ideas for Regional Pokemon in Pokemon Z-A?
Since the game is what all the buzz is gonna be about for a while, I just wanted to know what yall wanted the regional forms to be, since those are great for overshadowed Pokemon to get a little spotlight. I personally want a regional Lillipup. I feel like it would be sick, and since it IS based around Lumiose City, where…
The Pokémon legends z-a title
The z in Pokémon legends z-a has the same texture as zygarde but the a has a totally different texture what does this texture mean give me your thoughts
in the future we need a new generation Pokémon 10 new regions, new trainers,, new rivals and you, Professor new gym leaders new fossils, Pokémon new staters fire 🔥 grass 🍃 and water 💧 new Pokémon contest you battle frontier’s new villains, new legendary, Pokémon new evolution, forms, new form, Pokémon a new Eevee evolution…
Trade corner
Welcome feel free to do whatever you want:)
pokemon s&v BUG