Super Poke Bros Part 2

IMPORTANT INFO Olimar is the same size as other characters
Zelda Olimar and Lucina wake up in Unova
Lucina: Wh- where are we?
Olimar: It appears to be the Unova region
Zelda: How do you know?
Olimar: Red and Leaf described an area where the past and future collide
Lucina: Sounds like a hunch, all I see is a few old houses and trees
Olimar: I payed attention while we were falling
Zelda: How?
Olimar: I crash a lot
Zelda: Wait a secound look at our clothes they're all destroyed
Lucina: We should go to that house and ask for them
Hilbert's Mom: Hello there may I help you?
Zelda: Hello, may we please have some new clothes ours have been destroyed
Zelda gets an outfit based off of Hilda
Lucina gets an outfit based off of Rosa
Olimar gets an outfit based off of Nate
Hilbert's Mom: Here take this extra one as well
its an outfit based off of Hilbert
the three head to the lab
Professor Juniper: Choose your starter Snivy Oshawott or Tepig
Zelda: Aw look at that blue guy he's so cute! I choose him
Lucina: That Snivy looks like a fighter I choose him
Olimar: I will take the Tepig it peeks my interest
Link VS Daisy
Totodile use water gun
cyndaquil fainted
Daisy wins
Link walks away
Where do you think Link is headed?
Pit Chicorita
Daisy Totodile
Link Cyndaquil
Zelda Oshawott
Lucina Snivy
Olimar Tepig