What kind of new Games that might come to the new Nintendo switch 2 console?
Maylene vs grant i dislike maylene because she made my bdsp playthrough harder
How does one upload a battle log to report someone clearly cheating. I have it here. But can't put it anywhere else. An attack that does 60 does 150 and gives win. Ban him! GlennMount29 chose heads for the opening coin flip. GlennMount29 won the coin toss. GlennMount29 decided to go first. GlennMount29 drew 7 cards for the…
Ken Sugimori really like Flygon, this Pokémon was intended to get a mega evolution in X & Y, however the idea end up being dropped due to artist's block. Could the concept be revisited again? I have no idea.
OH MY SHINY ARCEUS LEGENDS KALOS IS REAL LEGENDS KALOS IS REAL LEGENDS KALOS IS REAL I JUST FINISHED ACTUALLY SCREAMING IN EXCITEMENT. (Note: I haven't yet read what the website says so this is all based on the trailer in the presents. Also just in case this takes a bit to get approved, this was made right after the…
If you aren't aware there is a Pokémon Presents next tuesday. What are your predictions? Personally I think they will reveal the next main series game and it will release in november (legends unova please). Also I thought they would release the Pokémon Horizons anime to the US but apparently there is already a release date…
what do you think they will do
I decided to redo the previous round because I didn't like doing 3 at once Bulbasaur VS Fuecoco
Hopefully they also get cool new Mega Evolution forms and stuff. I want to see some real additions to them.
I want you all to make a new idea for a Pokémon legends game in the comments. I would love to see them.