Claire vs brawly
I hate the fact that it has to approve every comment I just typed a message backwards in JOKE :) and I doubt that they will be able to figure it out :(
What is your favorite ghost type? Mine is Decidueye.
so pokemon legends z-a was just announced and I am officially okay with all of the mistakes game freak has made! tell me what you think
I think he would play kael thas personally
Since there is no Pokémon that you would need to use your masterball on what would you have used? I just got the dlc and used mine on a Wooper that I named Woopy
I know for sure Empoleon got it hidden ability changed to Competitive. So does Meganium still stand out compared to the others starters? If not, what stuffs about this pokémon that should be buffed? Movesets/abilities etc
Crasher wake vs opal
What is something that annoys or bothers you Pokémon related mine is when people call mythical Pokemon legendarys
Pokemon Presents gave us the release year(2025) for our next big adventure. What will you be doing in the meantime? For me, I think it'll be time to give Pokemon Masters a decent shot and try to get good too.