Now we have one that will have interesting results. We have Mew, the pokemon with all pokemon DNA AND Its clone, the mega evolver Mewtwo. I'm not really a fan of either (as in I dislike them both) but I like Mew more.
Kabu vs cilan
We start with our protagonist Blake who lives in Unova he has decided to start his pokemon adventure alongside his childhood friends (Person 2 will decide the character) and (Person 3 will decide the character) he gets a package with three pokemon labeled for Blake and friends he opens it Blake - Professor Juniper sent…
Time for the two tall bois -Gagarnacl Line -Meowscarada Line Let the votes pile up!
Time for the Pokemon that take ages to evolve. -Gholdengo Line -Hydrapple Line I dunno how people found out how to evolve either of these guys...
Yay! Legendaries! -Chien Pao -Iron Leaves And the landslides continue!
Alright! Final 12! (and I may have messed up a little so Iron Valiant is just gonna be put into Bracket 4.) -Clodsire Line -Tatsugiri (All Forms) Choose wisely!
This song would be the beginning for the English Dub Pokemon anime to pull itself together. It's fun, energetic and would love to see it as an ending song along with the original Japanese soundtrack.
I've seen it at least 20 times, it's so cool
We should try to create a Pokemon story series on here but every day it's done by someone different example I could start and then someone else and then someone else we could call it Pokemon FORUMS Edition If you'd like to make a part than you will have to type it here I will reply the next day to one of you who will get…