Gym leader bracket #16
Kofu vs roxie
Where would you like the next region to take place? I would really like a colder area next time, maybe it could be in Canada? If it was in Canada you could even have some ties with Alola and Unova since they both take place nearby (US) We have 3 continents depicted in Pokemon so far Japan - Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh,…
Remembering and talking about Pokémon Dream World
I've been remembering Pokémon Dream World these last few days, it gave me a very strong sense of nostalgia too, and I even thought about the possibility of the Pokémon Company returning it in some way, it was really fun to find Pokémon on the dream island, I loved it so much, I I loved going to Spooky Manor and Icy Cave…
The Official Unofficial Pokemon Forums Shiny News Discussion
I would like you all to discuss with me your shiny catches BUT! You can only post recent catches
Can we figure out which megas are X and which ones are Y?
We all know of Charizard and Mewtwo having two megas and x and a y But what I think is truly very interesting is that the x megas seem to give new secoundary typings and the Y megas take the original idea and make it much better So would that mean that Sceptile and Swampert are X and the other starters are Y? Also if we…
Would anyone be willing to take over the reigns of my Pokémon starter bracket?
I wanted to at first but now I really don’t, if you’d like to respond I’ll pin the person I choose I’ll provide info Thanks - Bulbasaur
Anyone Willing To Help Me?
I have already posted this but I didn't get a response so I have to repost it. Would anyone be willing to take the reigns of my Pokemon Base Form Starter Bracket, I really don't want to anymore. (I just find that I can't do it every day anymore) Thanks in advance - Weird Guy on the Internet
Pokémon Forums edition (Episode 3)
(I wanted to have Rosa in the story, but I forgot this took place around the time BB academy exists, likely 10< years after BW2. So her name is now Sophie.) (Blake, Esbern, and Sophie chose their Pokémon, Tepig, Chespin, and Popplio respectively.) "Tepig looks really strong! I'm sure I can become champion with it by my…
I just realized something about Pokemon Legends Z-A
In generation six Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire were released. Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and Alpha is the first. In Pokemon Legends Z-A, Z is the last letter of the English alphabet and A is the first letter of the English alphabet. Do you think there will be a connection between the…
Legendary Pokemon Contest 10
We now have the Legendary Bird Trio Articuno Moltres Zapdos Who do you choose I personally like Zapdos