Weird and random pokemon stuff
IDK waht to say...
Choose your own adventure 7
You choose piplup you decide to go and train and catch you Pokémon to train for the gym challenge you first caught a togepi you about to head to the first gym but you get this strange feeling to go to unown cave do you ignore this impulse or embrace it if you ignore it and decided to go to the first gym go to 14 if you…
Gym leader bracket #17 & 18
Yes I decided to speed things up pick one from each 17.wattson vs draden 18.Blaine vs skyla
Pokemon Forums Edition UPDATE
I've tried to write episode 5 3 times and none of them have posted so I'd like to ask someone else to write it instead. @UnovanZorua @Michael629303 @Acornyo @clasingla @Jokemon811 You guys are the other people on the squad so who would like to write episode 5?
I like the Mantyke line!
I'm kind of nonexistent most of the time, so I'll just talk about my favorite Pokemon! I have no idea why, but the colors on Mantyke just seems peppy! It also looks like it's waving hello on it's official artwork! Mantine, however, is much more bleak. The shiny makes up for it, though! I like how it's also constantly…
Pokemon Forums Edition Episode 2
Blake, Esbern, and Rosa were looking at the starter pokemon. The Starters are Popplio, Chespin, and Tepig. Rosa-Look at Popplio! It's so cute! I'm going to choose this one. Blake-I'm going to take Tepig. It looks like it has strong spirit. Esbern-Well, I guess I'll be taking Chespin. Good thing I going to choose you…
Pokémon Forums Edition: Episode #4
Blake, Esbern, and Sophie find themselves at Floccesy Ranch, so they can grow their teams and level up their Pokemon. “Alright, you two get going, and I’m gonna go hunt over in that open field.” Esbern says. He then walks off, leaving Blake and Sophie together. While walking through the tall grass, the group stumbles upon…
Weekly question #1
I thought it would be fun to do a weekly question you can do your own weekly question if you want here’s the question would you want a new mobile game or spinoff game
My first (TRUE) Pokemon Nuzlocke
I’ve never completed a nuzlocke before, the farthest I ever got was in Platnium and I quit after my monferno died so I’m going to change that with Pokémon FIRERED Please give me tips!
I recently started a project alongside @UnovanZorua @Michael629303 and @Acornyo called Pokemon forums edition and I wanted to ask you what you want to happen next? We may use this to get ideas. Also I finished episode 5 but it's just waiting to post Episode 6 is being done by @Michael629303 and @clasingla will do #7