Gym leader bracket round 2 #15
Liza (33) Vs Koga (20)
Fairy type move bracket round 2 #4
fairy lock Vs Sparkly swirl
Will we get new megas in Z-A? and what will the starters be
i have a theory that the starters will be chimchar chikorita and piplup and I wanna see more mega evolutions added to.
Any Pokémon fans that have also played the Fossil Fighters games?
Considering the Wi-Fi connection is gone, I'm wondering if anyone has gotten the bonus data vivosaurs Frigi, Igno, Duna, Raptin, Dynal, Dinomaton and Salada in Fossil Fighters: Champions. Or done online battles in Fossil Fighters Frontier for that matter.
Legendary Pokemon Contest 15 & 15.5
We now have the Alolan Legendairies. Solgaleo, The Sunne Lunala, The Moone Necrozma, The Prism I'm going to say that my favorite is Solgaleo because it has the first one I caught.
Application 4 pokemon D&D session
5 people
Last day online for the 3DS Pokemon Games Request.
I know this may be a bit much to ask, but I've always wanted a mega diancie in pokemon x and y; however I missed out on the event back in 2014. I was wondering if anyone is willing to possibly trade with me for a diance if possible please.
Has anyone wondered what a Pokemon Only Society would look like with a more modern tech level?
Before anyone else mentions it, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a near perfect example of what a Pokemon Only Society looks like. If you're still wondering what I mean, imagine a world where only Pokemon exists, Humans are non existant (for the most part). Anyways, I was just wondering what kind of Pokemon Only world would look…
In Pokemon sun and moon how do I get 100% Zygarde? ☺️
In Pokemon sun and moon how do I get 100% Zygarde? loction of Zygarde cells.
Why are we okay with this?