daily thoughts on pokemon #13
today thought is on pawmi a pokemon from the most recent generation my thoughts on pawmi is that its a good pokemon for being found on early routes but i favor pawmo for it being on my team but overall pawmi is just cute
daily thoughts on pokemon #12
todays thought is on phantump phantump story is kind of depressing and sad (read Pokedex entry on the pokemon official website) I wonder are these the children drifloon carried away
Wonder trade no longer exists?!
I'm currently playing Ultramond and traded via the wonder trade a few days ago. But now it's been discontinued? Really bad... Above all, some editions are not ancient and yet not everything is available 100% anymore. That's crap from Nintendo. :(
How to shiny hunt in breeding in S/V?
I've been hunting Sprigatito lately, I have 3 females, 2 males, and an Italian Ditto so how do I get eggs?
Thoughts on the announcement of Pokémon Legends: Z-A?
Personally I am ecstatic about it as I have always liked Kalos (despite having never finished X/Y at the time of writing) and I think there are so many ways Game Freak can tell the story; from having us see the ultimate weapon fire first-hand or even taking it down the route of having us go into the future (I say this as…
weekly question #4
if there was one pokemon you wish was a game that it is not what pokemon would that be and which game
What would be better to shiny hunt Necrozma, Dynamax Adventure or Pokémon GO Fest 2024?
Yep it has been confirmed that Necrozma will makes its debut during the Pokémon Go Fest on the 13th and 14th July, its shiny is going to be obtainable in it! Man oh man, this sounds ecstatic, though on the other hands Dynamax Adventure has a odds of 1/100 with the Shiny Charm. I'm curious to know what's the better.
Shiny applin
If anyone here has a spare shiny applin, I will give shiny Gogoat/Male shiny oinkologne. Or both
daily thoughts on pokemon #11
todays thought is on delcatty i kind of like delcatty and really want to try the move assist but i feel like its ability is definitaly something non desirable normalize makes all its attacks useless against ghost types
daily thoughts on pokemon #10
todays thought will be on chingling for me personally i feel like chingling is one of the wierdest baby pokemon and it kind of reminds me of a soothe bell