release date for Pokemon Legends Z-A
we know it'll be released in 2025 but the question being will it be releasing in the holidays or spring in 2025?
does a movelock sound intressting if a move runs out of pp you can not use it anymore if a pokemon faints you can still use it but you have to give it a whole new moveset and no pp up pp max or any item that restores pp no making new tm's has to be tm's found on ground or given by other method how does this sound
New Pokemon Riddle
Listen carefully to this one. I am the beginning and the end, yet the end presents a new beginning, I paint the world in seven colors everywhere I go, Life be renewed in my path, a new journey I create for those to seek me out. Which Pokemon am I?
The A in the Pokemon Legends Z-A
There's also the Mystery of the A in Pokemon Legends Z-A. The question being, What kind of Pokemon does the A represent and what does it have to do with Legends Z-A? Is the A refer to the Tower or the Pokemon?
Your Dark Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were an Dark type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your Pokémon be. My team would consist of Incineroar, Alolan Muk, Greninja, Pangoro, Crawdaunt, and Sableye. I would be Police Officer and also have a Houndour walks with me. The challenge would be to find the culprit that destroyed something.…
3ds and wii u online servers closed
As of todays, servers for 3ds and wii u are closed. Gone but not forgotten. Neither will their features once I work for Nintendo that is. I will say and do whatever it'll take to make the legacy reborn.
Pokemon Legends Z-A potential story
If the upcoming pokemon game will take place in the 1900s era Kalos, Most likely not only the redevelopment of Lumiose city but also dismiss the older legends in favor of progress for steam engine and such. There are researchers want the protagonist to uncover the secrets of the ancient Kalos as not only zygarde but also…
Gym leader bracket round 2 #14
korrina (35) Vs Draden (17)
Fairy type move bracket round 2 #3
springtide storm Vs Light of ruin
3DS Friend Codes
Since the 3DS internet is closing in less than 24 hours, here are my friend codes for the friend safari (was there any other feature that needed friends? I can't remember): 2080 - 3800 - 0608 2681 - 6144 - 4438