Need Moltres EX
Need Moltres EX Can Give: Mewtwo ex, Venusaur EX, Celebi EX Friend ID 2003539133322638
Need Melmetal
Hi all! I'm missing the following cards: Genetic apex ♦️♦️♦️: Melmetal Up for trade: ♦️♦️♦️: Volcarona, Gyarados (GenApex), Lapras, Vaporeon (GenApex), Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Pidgeot (GenApex), Raichu (MythIsland), Mew, Golem (MythIsland) Any help is very appreciated:) Friend id: 6471537203363459
1996 cards?
isn’t there any way to get the good old cards from the 90’s? Personally I don’t like the new cards as much
Need Mew 3 Diamond
I am looking for Mew 3 Diamond I can trade Taurus among others Thanks!
One and two diamond genetic apex
LF - Gastly, Golbat, and old amber. All from the genetic apex expansion. I can trade anything. 4891761740712539
Pokemon Trading
Need Lucario.
3 diamond cards
Hi, Need 3 diamond lapras, moltres and blastoise from genetic apex. Can trade many, /w what you need. Thanks
4◇ Trades - Looking for Aerodactyl ex
Can Trade: Exeggutor Ex, Pikachu Ex, Machamp Ex, Gengar Ex, Mewtwo Ex & Pidgeot Ex Friend ID: 0356-8059-8082-9645 Thank you xo
Pokémon pocket trades
I am looking for two specific cards I need a pikachu ex and elektross Trainer ID: 5282108944345240 I am willing to trade the following cards in return for pikachu: areodactyl ex Wigglytuff ex Zappos ex Blastoise ex moltres ex Arcanine ex exeggutor ex I will trade the following cards for elektross: Venusuar, butterfree,…
Looking for Melmetal and Ditto
Just tell me what you need