Memory drive question
I was at a local pokemon play event and my opponent was running archaludon with relicanth(084/162) for memory drive. I had used crown opal from terapagos(170/142) on the evolved archaludon(130/191) so they had 180 damage and I had the buff from that attack preventing damage from basic Pokémon's attacks. But they wanted to…
Thoughts on my Hydreigon EX deck?
Pokémon: 15 2 Hydreigon ex SSP 119 1 Zweilous SSP 118 2 Deino SSP 117 2 Pidgey MEW 16 1 Munkidori SFA 72 1 Hydreigon ex SSP 240 1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 92 2 Deino SSP 117 PH 2 Duskull SFA 68 1 Rotom V LOR 177 1 Pecharunt ex SFA 93 2 Pidgeot ex OBF 164 1 Dusclops SFA 69 1 Dusknoir SFA 70 1 Dusknoir SFA 20 Trainer: 20 1 Hisuian…
Hi, would appreciate some help with my Aerodactyl/Talonflame deck
Been messing with a sort of anti-meta deck, using Aerodactyl and Talonflame as beaters and both Togekiss cards as utility. The idea being that Talonflame hits a lot of cards for 220, and evolutions such as Charizard and Dragapult are vulnerable to Aerodactyl one shotting them, but at the cost of single prize cards…
New player, looking for a Gardevoir deck
My favorite Pokemon is Gardevoir. I've not had much success finding a deck for Gardevoir in Pokemon Live. My question is if any decent Gardevoir decks can be built and what packs I'd need to focus on to get said deck going?
Hey it says i can use credits in the card deck editor,,
I cant find anywhere that gives any info on how to use the credits other than what it says in the tab when you use the credit icon? Am i just blind? what do you get for them anyways? my impression is you can use these credits to purchase other cards or something? can somone clarify for me please?
I need help
How do i trade cards on here or use this app.
Regieleki VMAX Viability?
So I'm building a lost zone Pikachu ex deck that also includes a Raikou V and Iron Hands ex, and in testing I keep getting walled out by +300 hp cards. The hp boosting tool cards aren't really a problem because I run 3 lost vacuums, but stuff like Charizard and Dragapult are a bit too much to work through. I usually can't…
Does my deck work in today's tcg meta
The deck uses Colress's experiment, comfy, and nest ball asboth drawing and adding to the lost zone. This let's cramorant, Giratina, and sableye use there big attacking moves. The deck also uses switch, switch cart, beach court, and bosses orders to control the field.
What's the composition of the new Iron Hands deck?
The deck contains cards like Miraidon EX (utilizing Tandem Unit) and Pikachu EX but I've only played against it a few times so I don't know what the current meta is, could someone let me know?
Is Giratina lost zone still a relevant deck?
My deck seems to work well on the app but I wonder how it will work at real turnaments. The deck has a big major weakness being Charizard ex. Does the deck still work or would it be overwhelmed by the tcg turnaments?