Ancient Energy Booster- Why?
Greetings, I'll try to keep things succinct; Of late, that is say the last two or three days, I've noticed an increasing number of people fielding decks with no ancient pokemon, but with Ancient Energy Boosters that they attach to cards that don't benefit. The game itself does not register there being any positive effect…
Charizard Tera ex is a skill-less deck
This deck is so simple, anyone can use it. Which is great from an accessibility standpoint, but it takes no skill. It's literally just spam cards until you have 3/4 Charizards on the bench and energy everywhere, then just spam attack. Even when trying to force a deck out, the Burning Darkness attack usually just one hits…
Roaring Moon Bots
I'm tired of playing them. Delete their accounts!
Chein_Po's Return
Seen nothing but that deck tonight, since I got back in great ball league. What's going on, why's that deck making a come back? Is Flareon ex that much of a threat?
Deck advice?
Pokémon: 8 2 Arcanine ex SVI 32 3 Charmander MEW 4 1 Charizard ex MEW 6 2 Charmeleon PAF 8 3 Growlithe SVI 31 1 Radiant Charizard CRZ 20 2 Victini SSP 21 2 Charizard ex OBF 125 Trainer: 16 2 Arezu LOR 153 1 Prime Catcher TEF 157 2 Nest Ball SVI 181 2 Professor's Research SVI 189 1 Energy Sticker MEW 159 3 Boss's Orders PAL…
Good Lucario or Arcanine Deck
Recently I started getting back into TCG but I'm no good at strategy building and I'm struggling to find the right deck for myself. I really want to include Lucario or Arcanine in my deck but I'm failing at finding something that lasts for more than two win streaks. I'm aware neither are the strongest or most ideal but…
How can I use banned cards
Can I seriously not use any of the cards that I redeemed because they are banned by the expanded and standard rule sets? I just wanna battle my friends with the cards I redeemed!
1999 Base Set Booster Box 1st Edition
anyone in the Bay Area California and want to buy a factory sealed booster box 1st edition. It was my brothers who recently passed . I got no use for it
Chandelure Hyper offensive deck
Hi, I wanted to make a deck with this awesome card. The idea is pretty straight forward, overpower your opponent before they get to do anything! The deck consists of a 4-2-4 line of Litwick-Lampent-Chandelure from Twilight Masquerade as the main hitter, with 4x Rare candies to work with, obviously. The single energy cost…
Poisonous Perils...a glimmora EX deck
Pokémon: 6 4 Glimmet OBF 122 1 Lumineon V BRS 40 4 Glimmora ex OBF 123 1 Bibarel CRZ-GG 25 1 Radiant Hisuian Sneasler LOR 123 1 Bidoof CRZ-GG 29 Trainer: 16 2 Ultra Ball SVI 196 2 Exp. Share SVI 174 1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 2 Iono PAL 185 4 Great Ball PAL 183 4 Xerosic's Machinations SFA 64 PH 1 Lady LOR 159 2 Perilous…