My Alolan Exxegutor EX deck
so I got lucky and pulled some Alolan Exxegutor EX from the new update and made a deck here's my deck list 3 Alolan Exxegutor EX (SSP) 3 Exxecute (SSP) 1 Palkia (SSP) 1 Cleffa (OBF) 2 Bidoof (F) 2 Bibaral (F) 1 Lumineon V (F) 1 Radiant Greninja (F) 2 ultra balls 3 nest balls 3 buddy buddy poffins 1 heavy ball 3 earthen…
Best deck
Whats the best deck?
Scizor Ex Deck
Pokémon: 10 1 Cleffa OBF 202 3 Scizor ex TEF 195 1 Scyther TEF 1 2 Metang TEF 114 PH 2 Beldum TEF 113 1 Mew ex PAF 232 1 Squawkabilly ex PAL 264 1 Scyther OBF 4 2 Scyther MEW 123 PH 1 Zacian PAR 136 Trainer: 21 1 Boss's Orders RCL 189 3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TWM 223 1 Lost Vacuum LOR 217 2 Rigid Band MEW 165 2 Super Rod PAL…
New player that got back into the franchise. Any tips?
So far I am enjoying the Charizard ex pre built deck, and I am looking for some good tips.
Fun non-meta deck I've been playing
I've created an abomination of a deck that I call the Bloodmoon Shell Game: 3 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex (TwM) 3 Boufalant (StCr) 4 Natu 4 Zatu 2 Arvin 2 Boss 2 Iono 2 Jacq 4 Penny 1 Scoop up cyclone 2 Switch 2 Palpad 4 Nest Ball 2 Buddybuddy Poffin 3 Bravery Charm 4 Earthen Vessel 3 Super Rod 13 Psy Energy It's not the most…
I've been creating Pokemon cards
Finally ive Found the community in this next Discussion i'll get your ideas and give you the card
Out stalling the stall deck
just played a snorlax stall with my arbok deck and guy ran out of all resources except pidgeot… I had skovet and we recycled our decks but he never realized the time…he went all the way down to 0:54 before I think he saw I had 5 minutes left then he conceded lol
Export of cards owned
If deck building is to be something that everyone can truly capitalize on and build a deck best for them, they need to know what they own. Unlike MTG Arena, you can truly export everything you own into an Excel sheet and utilize it, or export it in a way that allows you to know what cards you own versus don't. If we are…
Tips for improvements
I’ve been trying to get into building my own decks rather than just copying other people’s decks. I built this one a few days ago was wondering if/how I could improve this deck Pokémon: 12 1 Rotom V LOR 58 1 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex TWM 141 3 Varoom PAF 64 PH 3 Revavroom TWM 125 PH 1 Dusclops SFA 19 1 Radiant Tsareena SIT 16…
Houndstone ex build, I like to try and make other ex cards viable. Constructive criticism welcome
accidentally posted this in tcg the first time not tcg live, my mistake. 16 Pokémon: 4 Greavard PAF 3 Houndstone ex OBF 1 Houndstone PAF 043 2 Duskull SFA 2 Dusclops SFA 2 Dusknoir SFA 2 Mimikyu PAF 32 trainers: 4 ultra ball 3 switch 4 earthen vessel 4 buddy-buddy poffin 1 lost vacuum 1 heavy ball 1 great ball 1 super rod…