Good Lucario or Arcanine Deck

Recently I started getting back into TCG but I'm no good at strategy building and I'm struggling to find the right deck for myself. I really want to include Lucario or Arcanine in my deck but I'm failing at finding something that lasts for more than two win streaks. I'm aware neither are the strongest or most ideal but wouldn't you want to include your favorites too? Any tips or advice would be much appreciated!
I made a deck based on Brilliant Stars Lucario and Silver Tempest Claydol once. It was fun when a combo worked, and it was a neat variation to build a deck without Supporters (except Grant, because you can get him out of the discard).
That was a while ago, so the deck could be improved upon a lot, but here is the list if you want to start messing with it:Pokemon - 25
4 Baltoy SIT 93
3 Bibarel BRS 121
3 Bidoof CRZ 111
4 Claydol SIT 94
4 Lucario BRS 79
1 Mew CEL 11
4 Riolu CRZ 71
2 Stonjourner SIT 101
Trainer - 21
4 Artazon PAL 171
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
1 Grant ASR 144
4 Great Ball PAL 183
2 Nest Ball SVI 181
1 Super Rod PAL 188
4 Trekking Shoes CRZ 145
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
Energy - 14
14 Basic Fighting Energy 60 -
u can try the charizard arcanine variant