Regieleki VMAX Viability?
So I'm building a lost zone Pikachu ex deck that also includes a Raikou V and Iron Hands ex, and in testing I keep getting walled out by +300 hp cards. The hp boosting tool cards aren't really a problem because I run 3 lost vacuums, but stuff like Charizard and Dragapult are a bit too much to work through. I usually can't…
Does my deck work in today's tcg meta
The deck uses Colress's experiment, comfy, and nest ball asboth drawing and adding to the lost zone. This let's cramorant, Giratina, and sableye use there big attacking moves. The deck also uses switch, switch cart, beach court, and bosses orders to control the field.
What's the composition of the new Iron Hands deck?
The deck contains cards like Miraidon EX (utilizing Tandem Unit) and Pikachu EX but I've only played against it a few times so I don't know what the current meta is, could someone let me know?
Is Giratina lost zone still a relevant deck?
My deck seems to work well on the app but I wonder how it will work at real turnaments. The deck has a big major weakness being Charizard ex. Does the deck still work or would it be overwhelmed by the tcg turnaments?
Does anyone have a good Torterra deck?
I know it's probably a bad pokemon to build around but Torterra is one of my favorites and I'm way too new at this game to try and build my own deck.
Is Regidrago and lugia vstar still good in tcg?
Dragapult ex Counters?
I keep getting wrecked by Dragapult ex in standard, any tips for playing against it?
Why does Mimikyu's Safeguard not stop Charizard ex's Burning Darkness?
I just played a match where a Dark Charizard ex killed two of my Mimikyu. There were no stadiums in play, and as far as I am aware none of the opponent's bench Pokemon had anything that negated my active Pokemon's ability (my Fezandipiti was able to prevent Burning Darkness damage with it's ability in the same match). I…
Newbie looking for tips
I am new to the game, and wondering if there's anything I should be doing.
How to counter Dusknoir ability in Pokemon tcg
Dusknoir card with ability cursed blast can put 13 damage counter to the Pokemon on bench and no other card can counter does anyone have any suggestions to how save bench Pokemon