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Meta after the rotation

kot123456 Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
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With less than 2 weeks until rotation, what will you play after the D block rotates out, and the new SV cards come in? Personally, I am very excited to play Miraidon ex and Gardevoir ex, seems like the biggest contenders out of the new cards. Of course, most meta decks will stay meta, one deck that will really fall seems like Lugia VStar, losing amazing rares, special energies, Evolution Incense, Oranguru and more, and while decks like Lost Zone Box will lose pieces like Scoop Up Net, Training Court and amazing rares, it seems like the uncertainty for BDIF will clear as Lugia falls. Of course, Lost Box has so many variants, but I think the top 3 will be Lost Box with single prizers like Radiant Charizard, Galarian Moltress and retaliating Zamazenta, another variant including V Pokemon and Sky Seal Stone like Raikou V, Crabominable V and Drapion V, and the last variant probably being the strongest: Giratina VStar. Seriously, 280 damage that you can charge in a SINGLE turn thanks to mirage gate and Raihan, INSTANT knockout effect, AND alot of supporting Pokemon. If I had to rank the post rotation decks it would probably be:

  1. Giratina VStar
  2. Mew VMax (also another good deck, loses basically nothing in rotation)
  3. Other Popular Lost Box variants like single prizer and Sky Seal Stone variants
  4. Miraidon ex
  5. Gardevoir ex

What does everyone think? Does anyone have a clever deck with a undervalued card that would shine post rotation? Or a cheap deck that could work against the meta?


  • The0nebadhero
    The0nebadhero Member Posts: 1
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    Honestly, this game is just too overpowered, and starting to lack fun.

    Everyone is using the same Blissey, or Eternatus decks…. Most of the V cards are overpowered.

    I miss trying to evolve from Squirtle to Blastoise, and have to do strategies instead we are stuck with overpowered 500HP Pokémon with 600 attacks or instant death

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    If we take a look at the japanese meta (they have been playing with SV cards and rotation for 2 months) the meta currently is:

    1) lost box variants (mainly Sky seal stone builds with Raikou V, drapion V and Zapdos V)

    2) giratina


    4) Lugia + Single strike basics

    5) Gardevoir ex

    6) Miraidon ex/regieleki Vmax (with some combination of klefki, flaaffy, flying pikachu Vmax or Luxray V)

    7)Arceus/giratina/Flying pikachu Vmax

    8) Rapid strike toolbox

    Not sure if our meta will be the same but is a good starting point to figure out the new meta.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 865 ✭✭✭✭
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    I have a Lunatone deck that will survive the rotation, but i like some of the newer cards in the S/V expansion

  • SeventhBean
    SeventhBean Member Posts: 1
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    @Ravenclawed1234 I know you do. *squints in failed Zacian/Zamazenta*

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 865 ✭✭✭✭
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    sorry lol, blame the ones who used lunatone on me first

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Blissey isn't meta. New players just spam it on the low ladder and in casual.

  • kot123456
    kot123456 Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
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    Blissey is a fun deck to play you can turn off your brain and just heal+attack, but it's easily countered by things like FlyPi and Duraludon, those are popular decks I see on ranked. Right now I'm playing item lock vikavolt before it rotates, I know we get item lock Banette on SV set, but you cant go second and turn 1 item lock anymore which is sad. Hopefully they print more floodgate cards because they are very fun (and annoying the opponent lol/)

  • Loveless717
    Loveless717 Member Posts: 5
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    I’m converting from fusion to fusionless Mew. Anyone have feedback about hardest matchups? Anyone seeing problems with Mew post rotation?

  • kot123456
    kot123456 Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
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    One issue I've heard from Japanese Mew players is the Miraidon matchup with Regieleki VMAX. Other than that the matchup spread is pretty good. Of course Sky Seal Stone variant of Lost Box will be a problem, but that is like the new Lugia of 2023 format. Other than that it's pretty good, just don't forget to Roxanne & Path to the Peak your opponent when they KO your Mew with a Draping.