Bug Report, Regigigas (astral radiance) & regis as a whole
I have lost 7 games today because of bugs playing a regi toolbox deck, including: Area zero underdepths having no texture and being an unplayable card Iono shuffling my active pokémon into my deck and not letting me play cards from my hand afterwards the game not letting me attack or retreat with a pokémon that i have more…
Attacks not working at all
I have encountered multiple matches now where i had the proper energies to do an attack, and the game will acknowledge that i am declaring one, but no damage will happen and it just passes my turn after waiting to see if it will go through. And the situations i am talking about, the opponent did not have any special…
unable to use active pokémon
I evolved misdreavus Silver Tempest into mismagius Silver Tempest in the active spot and it wouldn't let me use any cards from my hand or use the attack for 1 psychic energy or retreat for 1 energy even though I had attached the energy previously. Eventually, the mismagius in the active spot disappeared leaving me with no…
Bug Report-did not attack game froze
when I went to attack my card got stuck in an animation, didn’t apply the damage, froze the game for about a minute and then just skipped to my opponents turn. While this was annoying, I was in a good position and was going to play on but my card was broken hovering in space and when I clicked on it, it only showed me the…
New Glitches...
Arcanine ex was protected on the bench despite nothing being on the board that would protect it at all… I placed a pokemon and then the game wouldn't let me do anything else until my turn just ended… Also Graphical Glitches where the if you pull up cards to read them they get stuck, preventing you from doing anything until…
Card stacked on each other
I played a drifloon earlier in the bench. In one of the rounds when picking one pokemon to go to the Active, i moved it, but somehow the game moved my rad greninja as well, and they stacked on each other. After that I could not use my drifloon for anything, even after the rad greninja died. What happened after was my…
This is the buggiest game client I have ever used. New and fun errors every 5th game.
I had a near-unbeatable start, and of course the game client decides to bug in about the 100th different manner I've encountered so badly that I had to quit. This one was far worse than any other I've encountered. On turn 2, my opponent knocked out my Comfey. I played my Giratina V to the active spot, and it looked…
Suspected Cheater Freezing Match on Final KO
I'm currently in a match with a player and as I took the final KO the game locked up. My opponent emoted a few times after the game was obviously bugged out, and I was not given a prompt to take the final prize card, with his KO'd minion stuck in the part of the animation where it is turned at an angle but before the…
Ball items not working properly
Hisuian Heavy balls, Nest balls and Ultra balls for some reason freeze my matches. Balls get stuck on the screen but my match timer keeps ticking down and the client thinks I'm still thinking about what to take and then it skips my turn for inactivity. How can this client be so much worse than the old one every time you…
Why won't my comments show up?
why don't my comments in the forums show up?