Metronome using Swinging Sphene

Hi, During a game earlier, I used my Clefable's Metronome ability and chose Swinging Sphene from my opponent's Alolan Exeggutor ex. The coin flip was a heads. But for some reason this didn't knock my opponent's pokémon out. Considering it was in the active spot, I don't fully understand whether this is a bug or a strange ruling.
I will enclose the battle log in case anyone wants clarification.
Any help is gratefully appreciated!
bad_luck69 chose tails for the opening coin flip.
Chessermon won the coin toss.
Chessermon decided to go first.
bad_luck69 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
- 7 drawn cards.
Chessermon drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards.
• Nest Ball, Revavroom, Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Switch, Arven, Arven, Mewtwo ex
bad_luck69 played Exeggcute to the Active Spot.
bad_luck69 played Snorunt to the Bench.
Chessermon played Mewtwo ex to the Active Spot.
Turn # 1 - Chessermon's Turn
Chessermon drew Super Rod.
Chessermon played Nest Ball.
- Chessermon drew Varoom and played it to the Bench.
- Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon played Buddy-Buddy Poffin. - Chessermon drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench.
• Clefairy, Clefairy - Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon played Switch. - Chessermon's Clefairy was switched with Chessermon's Mewtwo ex to become the Active Pokémon.
Chessermon's Clefairy is now in the Active Spot.
Chessermon's Clefairy used Moon-Watching Party. - Chessermon attached Basic Psychic Energy to Clefairy on the Bench.
- Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon ended their turn.
Turn # 1 - bad_luck69's Turn
bad_luck69 drew a card.
bad_luck69 played Horsea to the Bench.
bad_luck69 attached Basic Grass Energy to Exeggcute in the Active Spot.
bad_luck69 played Calamitous Snowy Mountain to the Stadium spot.
bad_luck69's Exeggcute used Precocious Evolution.
- bad_luck69 evolved Exeggcute to Alolan Exeggutor ex in the Active Spot.
- bad_luck69 shuffled their deck.
Turn # 2 - Chessermon's Turn
Chessermon drew Buddy-Buddy Poffin.
Chessermon played Buddy-Buddy Poffin.
- Chessermon drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench.
• Clefairy, Marill - Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon's Clefairy used Moon-Watching Party. - Chessermon attached Basic Psychic Energy to Clefairy on the Bench.
- Chessermon attached Basic Psychic Energy to Clefairy on the Bench.
- Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon evolved Varoom to Revavroom on the Bench.
Chessermon played Arven. - Chessermon drew 2 cards.
• Ultra Ball, Hero's Cape - Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon played Ultra Ball. - Chessermon discarded 2 cards.
• Super Rod, Arven - Chessermon drew Clefable.
- Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon evolved Clefairy to Clefable on the Bench.
Chessermon attached Hero's Cape to Clefable on the Bench.
Chessermon ended their turn.
Turn # 2 - bad_luck69's Turn
bad_luck69 drew a card.
bad_luck69 attached Basic Water Energy to Alolan Exeggutor ex in the Active Spot.
bad_luck69 evolved Snorunt to Froslass ex on the Bench.
bad_luck69's Alolan Exeggutor ex used Tropical Frenzy on Chessermon’s Clefairy for 150 damage.
- bad_luck69 attached Basic Water Energy to Froslass ex on the Bench.
Chessermon's Clefairy was Knocked Out!
Chessermon's Clefable is now in the Active Spot.
bad_luck69 took a Prize card.
A card was added to bad_luck69's hand.
Turn # 3 - Chessermon's Turn
Chessermon drew Buddy-Buddy Poffin.
Chessermon played Buddy-Buddy Poffin.
- Chessermon drew Varoom and played it to the Bench.
- Chessermon shuffled their deck.
Chessermon's Clefable used Metronome. - Chessermon chose Swinging Sphene
- Chessermon flipped a coin and it landed on heads.
Turn # 3 - bad_luck69's Turn
bad_luck69 drew a card.
bad_luck69's Alolan Exeggutor ex used Tropical Frenzy on Chessermon’s Clefable for 150 damage.
Turn # 4 - Chessermon's Turn
Chessermon drew Switch Cart.
Chessermon's Clefable used Metronome.
- Chessermon chose Swinging Sphene
- Chessermon flipped a coin and it landed on tails.
bad_luck69's Horsea was Knocked Out!
Chessermon took a Prize card.
Tulip was added to Chessermon's hand.
Turn # 4 - bad_luck69's Turn
bad_luck69 drew a card.
bad_luck69's Alolan Exeggutor ex used Tropical Frenzy on Chessermon’s Clefable for 150 damage.
Chessermon's Clefable was Knocked Out!
- 4 cards were discarded from Chessermon's Clefable.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Clefairy, Hero's Cape
Chessermon's Clefairy is now in the Active Spot.
bad_luck69 took a Prize card.
A card was added to bad_luck69's hand.
Turn # 5 - Chessermon's Turn
Chessermon drew Basic Psychic Energy.
Chessermon played Tulip.
- Chessermon moved Chessermon's 2 cards to their hand.
• Clefable, Basic Psychic Energy
Chessermon attached Basic Psychic Energy to Clefairy in the Active Spot.
Calamitous Snowy Mountain was activated. - Chessermon put 2 damage counters on bad_luck69's Clefairy.
Chessermon evolved Clefairy to Clefable in the Active Spot.
Chessermon's Revavroom used Rumbling Engine. - Chessermon discarded Basic Psychic Energy.
- Chessermon drew 5 cards.
• Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Basic Psychic Energy, Professor's Research, Switch Cart, Basic Psychic Energy
Chessermon's Clefable used Metronome. - Chessermon chose Swinging Sphene
- Chessermon flipped a coin and it landed on tails.
Turn # 5 - bad_luck69's Turn
bad_luck69 drew a card.
bad_luck69 attached Basic Water Energy to Froslass ex on the Bench.
bad_luck69's Alolan Exeggutor ex used Tropical Frenzy on Chessermon’s Clefable for 150 damage.
Chessermon's Clefable was Knocked Out!
- 3 cards were discarded from Chessermon's Clefable.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Clefairy
You conceded. bad_luck69 wins.
It was turn 3, I flipped a heads. Realised afterwards that I misread that card, lol. Thanks for the response anyway.