Battle Log for Cursed Blast shows incorrect player as target
Should we have Proper Tournaments
One thing I have wanted since Pokémon Live was first released Is the abitlity to properly create an online tournament. Currently what people have to do is go onto Limitless TCG, join the tournament then friend their opponent to play the game and they have to be honest about the result too it would be so much easier to have…
Cannot select cards while using search cards.
Sometimes while using cards like nest ball or Lumineon V, it doesn't let me select one or more of the cards. For example, using a nest ball I couldn't select a Teal Mask Ogerpon ex but I could select every other option.
Missing cards earned
I just received multiple cards on my account and all of a sudden most are gone!? I don't know why but seriously not okay :(
Bug Report - Explorers Guidance and Secret Box
Just encountered a bug where I played explorers guidance and secret box was one of the cards available to me. However, it was the only card of the 6 that I could not select and was forced to discard.
Earthen Vessel bug
I was playing ancient box when I ran out of cards in my deck, I attempted to use an earthen vessel to get more ancient cards in my discard to knock out my opponent's active Pokémon when I used my earthen vessel though, it stopped me from performing any actions on my turn so I automatically passed from being afk and…
A Variety of Problems with Emotes
As the title states I have plenty of gripes with emotes/reactions that are used in game. Let’s just start off by saying I can only describe every avatars face as smug. So even a sincere reaction could be triggering. Some players are spamming them. If I start Rad Zard against my will with nothing but 2 super rod, turo, fire…
Losing a lot of points for a loss
Just now lost 220 points for a loss. Last Saturday I lost 1020 points for a game loss. Is this still a known issue? I thought this was previously resolved?
Bug Report - Colress's Tenacity
I have seen a bug similar to the the one in the tracked issues described as: Players are occasionally unable to select valid cards when using certain card selection effects, such as Nest Ball (SUM #123) or Hisuian Heavy Ball (ASR #146). My bug observation occured when using Colress's Tenacity (SFA 087/064) to select Area…
I couldnt pick a card bug
for context I played Pokegear and I found briar and for some reason I couldnt pick it in general that really sucked