Why is my Zacian theme deck not working in tcg live
I used the code from my irl bought Zacian deck and when I went to look at it it said it wasn’t usable it said the deck had no basic cards and it had banned or illegal cards which I’m sure they weren’t. I then went into to the on the game and bought the zacian deck and it still said it was unusable what’s going on?
Nest Ball + Iono Issue
I don't have a clip of the nest ball issue Played Nest Ball, Searched for Brute Bonnet and dragged it to the selection, Brute Bonnet hovered over my bench instead of going into play, Brute Bonnet got shuffled and Nest Ball went into discard However, in the same game, I had my opponent play Iono to shuffle away our hands,…
What precautions are set in place to prevent cheating?
Having people control my side of the field/prevent ANY moves by me (even moving pokemon to the active slot) and spam the thumbs up reaction the entire time. Has happened 4 times today
Placing Damage Counters should not be an Effect
The Cards even always say that Damage is not an Effect… why oh why, isn't a move called, "Reflective Barrier," not acting like it SHOULD and just Damaging them?? Why is it even placing Damage Counters?? It makes no sense. So, placing Damage Counters should act just like straight Damage from an Attack.
Stuck at coin flip. MOBILE BUG
I'm on a regular samsung galaxy 23, running android 14, with 6.1 One UI Theres a 30% chance (its happened to me 6 times already) for a match to show the player quotes, and ask for the coin flip but then never leave the player quotes and animation showing off the avatars stays on screen. The battle actually continues, and…
Game freezes when i try to use an item card mid match
Hello, I just wanted to report a bug ive experienced a few times, its nothing major but it is pretty unfortunate to have to end games in the ranked ladder i would be winning bc the game freezes but my clock keeps running down. But the bug is that when i play an item card, it will go onto the field, but the effect wont…
Could not move
Declared me defeated because it told me I did not move for too long (waited for 20 minutes), but on my screen I was actually waiting for the other player. Many times it has also froze and remained on the match screen and showed me as defeated because of not moving, but I am not actually able too. So, my ranked has been…
Altered Creation GX/ Call Signal/ "Vessel of Life" bug
This has happened several times recently. My opponent was able to take 1 prize card when they should not have. Ok, ADP uses full Altered Creation GX, I have Magneton with the Call Signal ability in the active spot, with a Shedinja (Vessel of Life) attached. I use Call Signal, knocking Magneton out, and my opponent took a…
Game Breaking Glitch
Neither me or my opponents can attack at the end of our turns even when we have the appropriate amount of energy. It plays normally for a few turns, and then both sides just can't attack or use specific items. Spent all day playing ranked and had every single one end in a concede because either or the other person could…
why is it still freezing like every second game on mobile? Seemingly fixed it with the hot fix just to bring it back with the last routine maintenance. This trash is honestly an embarrassment.