Elessa's Sparkle broken
Each time I try and play Elessa's sparkle after today's update I select the two pokemon to attach to but then once I try and drag one of them to the pokemon cards it won't attach and then the card freezes/gets stuck at the bottom of the screen and won't let me do anything but quit the game.
Discard all energy abilities
Anyone else having issues? If I use Galarian Zapdos or Aloian Exeggutor discard all energy ability it just lags right before the ability would hit. Losing games because of this consistently. I was a hype guy for live even as others trashed it…they might have been right.
Blissey V could not draw energy from the discard pile.
Just played a game with a slightly modified Blissey V starting deck, where for some reason Blissey V's Blissful Blast move was not able to draw any energy from the discard pile. The game would prompt me to draw energy from the discard pile, but it would not display any of the energy that was in the discard pile. When I…
Errors errors and more errors
I just lost two games in a row because of errors. First Frosmoth’s Ice dance didn’t work it just froze and then passed to my opponent. So for the next game I changed to Go Blastoise used it Vitality Spring and it froze again and put all the energy on one Pokémon. I used a Professor and one water energy stayed there and was…
Issue with Avatar Glasses
Whenever I put glasses on my avatar, the shades always tend to go dark and the rims turn green. However, when I was playing with another player, they said that my character's glasses weren't dark. Not sure why my glasses always go dark.
Paralysis Bug
I have noticed a bug on attacks that paralyze as a secondary effect. It has happened with both Zekrom and Articuno. I select the attack and then my pokemon just floats there until it eventually passes the turn. My pokemon continues to float while my opponent gets the return knock out.
There are multiple bugs right now with attacks, timing out, etc. Some of the few I've noticed: Zekrom VIV 60, Articuno SIT 36, and other pokemon with attacks that paralyze just hang in the air and don't attack/apply effects. Inteleon CRE 43 Quick Shooting ability: Damage counter does not show up and hangs in the air.…
2 bugs
so i found a couple of bugs. when you use single strike houndooms ability to search for a single strike energy and attach, it bugs out and wont let you attach the energy. Eventually it just puts it onto the active. i had lake acuity out, there was a drizzle with no energy on it, yet somehow still got the effect from lake…
Bugs and Glitches
Twice in a row just playing games with my buddy, my game would just refuse to continue after an action. Game one I lost due to it timing out, game 2 I was sitting there waiting for an attack or play of any kind and I couldn't see anything. Could still see the battlefield, could still observe and click on cards and…
Most if not all energy attach cards are bugged and do not work correctly
This is very critical bug. Cannot use cards like Flaafy, Elesa, Archeops. Reproduction rate is 100% for me. Game unplayable, needs to be taken offline and fixed asap.