Game Freezing(?)/Opponent stuck on attaching energy from Trinity Nova until their time ran out.
i'm playing on Redmi 9C android phone and this happened to my match 12/14/2022 approx 3:00-3:05AM Philippine standard time. Was forced to exit/close the game since it was going nowhere.
Avatar issues
Anybody else also getting the bug where everytime in between games, the glasses on my character defaults to sunglasses? Then i have to go back to my character customization and turn it back into regular glasses with black frames.
Cresselia bug
I went second and attempted to use Cresselia's Crescent Glow attack on turn 1 with it as my only Pokémon in play. It showed the basic Energy cards, with the 3 slots for choices, and showed the Energy as valid targets. But the game wouldn't let me drag them and the attack did nothing!
Card Search Bug
On one occasion I used Ultra Ball to search out a card. It pulled up the UI for searching for valid/all cards but didn't show any cards as per the screenshot. On two previous occasions when using Evolution Incense, I used the card but wasn't presented with the option of searching for an evolution Pokemon. It was as if I…
PTCGO is incredibly broken
Okay so I decided to grind ranked with my Zoroark-Jirachi deck. I played 7 matches today and was able to finish two of them. 1. I was against a Mew Vmax deck and the game crashed after my opponent put a rainbow energy to his active Mew. No timer or anything, animations still worked but the match just broke 2. I got a…
Opponent Timer Glitch
3 out of my last 8 matches have resulted in ladder losses because the game simply did not factor clock into my opponents turns, whether they left the match or the game crashed. On the first occasion I let the clock run to 00:00 before screengrabbing and exiting the match. Can we fix this, please?
Feedback (Long)
As a person who has played PTCGO and is used to the quality-of-life systems that are in that game, I want those things to be imported into this game Here are a few examples: 1: When you use Boss's Orders or Switch, you can drag those cards onto your or your opponent's card to use them immediately. This would feel less…
From 410 to 230 points
Hi, This afternoon, I get 410 points in the stairs. 5 minutes ago, my opponent lost the connection and I abandone the game. When I returned to main screen I had 230 points! Please check
Searching for match bug
One more juicy bug. After getting bugged by Mew V deck I pressed 'Concede' and started to search for a new match. Instead of finding an opponent and connecting to a battle game just keep blinking with the "Cancel search" button. And every time when this button appears and disappears game actually tries to connect you to a…
Opponent Timer Bug
I’m playing a match as normal and then my opponent does a move and the 15 sec warning timer starts and makes it to 0 and the game continues, but the opponent seems to be frozen but the match timer still goes on as well, and eventually I take a loss