pokemon TCG live
tengo una problema me sale un error 10099 no puedo ni entrar al juego ni cambiar de usuario y me salo solo a mi en mi pc porque lo baje en otra pc y anda lo estoy jugando con BlueStacks X y anda no se que pasa con ese error 10099 alguna solucion gracias
Game Freezes & Causes Losses
Every game I play on iOS, it freezes after a few minutes causing a loss. I now have more losses than I do wins because of this error. Is there any way to fix the losses caused by this?
The old games Deck building was better.
You can't search for keywords in cards. It doesn't show the pokemon cards it evolves from or too. It's just missing alot of very important needed tools when building a deck.
same as others reporting clock ticking down nothing happening
2 games this morning clock just ticking down on opponents turn both games this morning were against mew vmax deck this is very very bad.
Cant play Milo if only one card to discard
I was not able to play Milo when i only had one other card in hand. On the next turn I was able to play it fine once i had two cards in hand. Card says discard up to 2 cards so it should be playable with one other card in hand but it seems to only look to see that two cards are in hand.
Lost over 1200 gems
I lost over 1200 gems I was saving them up nd they disappeared after the update ! And new ladder or is it if you don’t spend them in time of new ladder they disappear?
Game froze playing Mew VMAX
Looking at the forums this seems to be a known issue, playing first game online with Mew deck and the game froze whilst activating Genesect V's ability. This was the second activation of the ability this turn. There is a Forest Seal Stone attached to a different Genesect than the one using it's ability. There is no energy…
What are the new timer rules?
Most of my games have been due to players afk'ing during the first few minutes in the game, resulting in an instant win for me. Didn't seem too odd, other than I really wanted to play the game and couldn't land into a regular match But then I did land into a proper match, and spent a few minutes fighting back and forth…
match is stuck, I met it twice
match stuck in opponent's turn, time is going on, but no timeout, game is always in opponent's turn, what i can do is click concede.
"Judge" card missing from SW&SH Silver Tempest
I wanted to make a deck, but I cannot find card "Judge" from Sword & Shield Silver Tempest - https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/pokemon-cards/series/swsh12tg/TG25/ It looks like it's missing from the game