Mew VMAX Bug - My Experience

1. I was playing Lugia VSTAR, opponent was playing Mew VMAX. Casual Standard match, and my first match after opening the app.
2. First turn each, everything was working as intended. I could use Archeops engine and they could use Genesect engine.
3. I use Boss's Orders on the opponent's benched Genesect V with Forest Seal Stone attached.
4. I attack the Genesect V for knockout at ~22 minutes left on the opponent's clock.
5. They move Mew V to the active and there are no further actions from the opponent for the remaining ~22 minutes of the match.
6. During the period of no activity, I had full button functionality where I could access menus and inspect all cards including my hand and both discard piles.
7. Opponent's timer ran out and the game did not end. I conceded and took the loss.
8. Pictures attached showing timers from initial period of inactivity to games end.
9. I'm running the game on Andriod and using the latest version.