Premium pass only obtainable with crystals?
So the premium battle pass is only obtainable by crystals........ And crystals are only obtainable through the battle pass ........ Is there any plans to fix this or change this? This cant possibly be the intended way for this to work.....
The UI For Card "Variants" Is Awful
The game needs to a better job of showing card variants (holo, full art, alt art, etc) and making it easy to put them into all of your decks at once. This is especially true for cards that get used in most/all of your decks (Boss' Orders, Professor's Research) - whenever I get a cool full art version that I want to use,…
Bug: After a match, if your character has glasses, they default to silver shades
My character has ”reading glasses” and the eyes are visible. After playing a match and just before the animation where my character points level up, I noticed that the glasses switched to a silver shade. I don’t know if this happens when you lose matches too, but I’ve noticed that it happens when you win.
[Idea] Disable countdown timer in friendly matches
This would be a nice option for when I want to teach someone else how to play. We do a friendly match so I can walk them through their deck and the timer makes it very difficult to explain things thoroughly.
Samsung Galaxy A03 cannot run this application
I have a low quality phone, the Samsung Galaxy A03. Regardless, I am able to play other mobile games, like Marvel Snap and Pokemon Unite, albeit at the lowest frame rate and quality settings. I tried to download and play this game. I actually enjoyed learning how the game works via the tutorial. However, the loading times…
Dunsparce did not work
The ability states BOTH pokemon have no weakness yet, my active pokemon still got hit with double damage. Whyy.
Error 10099
I have recently try to instal tcg live. Instalation was succesfull but error 10099 shows al the time and makes impasible to load the game. All youtube and forum guides faild to solve this problem. How can i fix it?
Cobalion Follow-up
Did anyone had any trouble ussing cobalion's follow-up attack? It didn't let me search basic steel energy for 2 benched pokemons
Playing a switch card to force you to concede
I have had multiple players play a switch card when they start loosing, then they don't select a new active Pokémon, counter doesn't count them out and even if you wait until all the match time runs out the player is still not disqualified, all you can do is to concede and take a loss where you were winning.
Battle pass not opening after participating in a game
The batllepass tab will not open and says try again later after every game played meaning in order to acess the battlepass the game has to be hard reset.