Can I Return to Pre-Migration State in PTCGO?
Dear PTCGL Game Developers, Can I un-migrate my account? I'm ok with losing the progress in PTCGL if I can play in the previous pokemon game. I thought I could live with the bugs but they are now unbearable. Yours truly, Maximus4868
Mismagius (SIT 064) bug
When Blissy v attacks Mismagius and attaches energy cards from discard, 20 damage counters are added to Blissy v for each energy for no reason.
card in library disappear (or not show properly)
I have a full picture Serena, but it is disappeared in card library. I see there is 3 available in general view. But if I click it, it is 2 available. I am pretty sure there is a bug to make my card gone.
Problems with the letter PEONIA (#219/198) - Mobile
Apparently on the mobile platform, when you use Peonia in matches it doesn't show your prizes, but random cards from decks you own or your opponent's deck, and the second time it shows the cards backwards, thus making it impossible to view to pick up the cards they want, however you carry out the exchange, the cards that…
Please Fix These Bugs
Almost every time I play against Mew Vmax the game freezes and I lose. Additionally, when pairing for matches, the game acts like it pairs me with someone and then doesn’t actually and backs out. Each time it does this gives me a loss. I’ve lost over 300 ranked points over the past few days for games I quite literally…
Cooldown moves bug/unintended game mechanic.
If you switch a Pokémon on cooldown from a move (EX: Zacian V with Brave Blade) the cooldown is skipped, and you can use the move multiple times in a row.
Mac update crashing
Latest update crashes on opening the app
drag and drop of cards
One thing I really like in live vs online is how you drag and drop cards rather than just select them in your hand for certain gameplay features, like discarding cards from hand, selecting energy to attach to benched pokemon. online it seemed to be a mixture of drag and drop and selecting. I much prefer the drag and drop…
Kirlia SIT 68 and Gardevoir SIT 69 bug?
During a match I used the refinement ability of a Kirlia I put into play the previous turn. I then evolved into Gardevoir with the intention of using refinement again but the game would not allow me to use the ability. I checked the compendium for a possible ruling to explain this and found nothing.
Forest seal not working
Couldn't use my forest seal. Winners screen just all white. Let us return our accounts to ptcgo, hire a whole new dev team and start again. You're not even close with this. Hopeless.