Feedback: Daily goal to not concede
i just had a daily goal to “not concede 3 matches”. If you have to put it that way it’s because you are seeing volumes of matches being conceded. I must admit that it was a pain to do it but that was the only way I was getting any crystals today. There’s plenty you could improve to make games go faster, like not having to…
Radiant Eternatus Bug
While testing, radiant eternatus will only recognize one VMAX Duraludon. Later on, after scoop up netting Eternatus and placing back on the bench, it won't recognize the second Duraludon at all. One of these Duraludon isn't owned, but the behavior was the same with three in the discard pile. Discard pile state: Using…
Should Apex dragon work against Decidueye
Just been beaten by vstar regidrago using Decidueye with the ability deep forest camo that prevents damage from v..... I checked if they were using a move from a non v card but there were none in the discard pile What am I missing why did the damage land want to understand the game better and sorry if its an obvious answer
Feedback: Add option to disable celebrations.
Sending “emotions” while playing is ok, but the celebration after the match can be tiresome.
Can you fix the keldeo silver tempest attack?
I was testing a keldeo deck I built, but the four as one attack wasn’t dealing the extra 170 damage. The verizion’s four as one was working just fine, and the coballion’s attack wouldn’t let me put the energy into my hand which was a bummer. Could you fix these so I can possibly bring a new deck to ranked.
Lost some cards due to the new battle pass
I opened the new battlepass without login in so a bug occured where all the cards I drew was black. I cant even see if the same multipled cards were changed to credits. Its very saddening when I restart and open it my cards were lacking. I had a lumileon V and 2 hisuain decidueye V and 1 hisuain decidueye Vmax , 3…
Bug: Turn Ending Early
In one match in particular, I was noticing that while thinking during my turn, my turn would suddenly end and switch to the other person. I first thought I must have misclicked an ability/card with an end turn effect, but this continued to happen again several times in the same match. There was no timer saying my turn was…
Lost my 200 credits
Today I wanted to craft 2 lost vaccum, but there was an error when doing so. So from my 6100 credits it went to 5700 credits. And I only got 2. It didnt went from 6100 to 5900, it immediately became 5900. This is the place to report bugs right? Or is there a help section that I should be reporting there? I just want my 200…
Comfey Bug (Flower Selecting)
I played a ranked match with comfey (LOR) as my active Pokemon and used the ability of flower selecting. It gave me another comfey and green energy as options to choose. I wanted to choose the green energy but when i clicked on it the game did not respond. I had to choose the other comfey. I believe this is a huge bug in…
Silver Tempest Keldeo's four as one doesn't work
It has been mentioned before, but Keldeo's extra 170 damage on it's "four as one" attack isn't dealt with virizion, cobalion, and terrakion on the bench. Virizion has the same ability, and it works! But not for keldeo. I hope this is something that can be fixed in the future! It's a very fun strategy during locals :)