possible bug...Professor Burnett won't let me pick 2 identical cards
Hi, Just played against another trainer and tried to play a professor Burnet. Normally I use this card to choose 2 Archeops from my deck and drop them in my discard pile. Been using this for weeks against AI Players. Tried it today against a REAL person and the game would not let me choose 2 Archeops. I was able to choose…
No rewards from battlepass basic tier 5
how admin, can you please help check my account logs, if i receive any rewards from battlepass basic tier 5 i just reach today. my rewards collection window was empty upon clicked collect. sorry i've forgotten to save screenshot. thank you
Deck search doesn't work on desktop
Searching my deck with ball cards show greyed out rectangles and I can't see or select any cards. This only happens for me on some windows pc's (Home doesn't work, work pc does work). This has been an issue for me for months.
Cards keep hovering during friend battles - game breaking bug
Cards keep hovering during friend battles, no progress is shown, can not take any action and then the player with the bug looses the match due to inactivity. This happened to me and my friend during friend battles when a trainer card with text "search your deck and take x" is played. I hope all info was provided. Thanks…
"Choose a card in your deck"-cards does not show up at all and cannot be chosen
Losing almost every game right now because i cannot get cards through quick balls, evolution incenses and L umineon V's Luminous Sign ability. The cards' shadows pop up and the numbers of the amount of cards available are still there. Super frustrating and actually game breaking.
Bug: Blissey V ability triggers even if stadium "Path to the Peak" is active
As title. It has happened a couple of times to me now. Blissey V ability triggers after doing damage to the opponent's Pokemon even though Path to the Peak is enabled. Path to the Peak reads: "Pokemon with a Rulebox (clarification text) have no abilities. (clarification text)." Should be a no-brainer to fix, hopefully.…
Indeedee bugged
Is indeedee bugged? The card states it does 20+ dmg for each energy attaches to the opposing active pokemon. The opposing pokemon had 5 energy attached and i still did only 20 damage. No cards were in play to prevent the effect
Screen Resolution Bug at Match End
During my latest match, when we got to the match victory screen, the VICTORY on the top seemed to go offscreen, so the letters were sliced in half. I double checked in game and in my monitor settings that I had the correct resolution selected, and those were fine. I have only seen this happen there.
freezes and bugs
The game randomly freeze when drawing cards (the cards get stuck in place and sometime blurred). Additionally, sometimes cards get displayed as the an other one from the deck
TCG Live Opponent doesn't have a round timer and stays in the game after timer reaches 0
Just like the title says, this isn't the first time it's happened. TCG Live is too buggy. Can't even report the other player and I have to take a loss. The person's timer reaches 0 and nothing happens?