iOS constant freezes when selecting trainers
Game is freezing (and subsequently leading to losses) when selecting trainers, particularly ones that require searching the deck - nothing can be done and the app will eventually crash. I’m really hopeful we will see a more usable app soon - I’ve been waiting years to play on my iPhone.
Trainer fetch bug
I have run into 2 issues using trainers to fetch cards in which it doesn't allow me to select from every card; only certain cards. First issue was with an evolution incense: Went to search for an Inteleon Vmax and it only let me select the Frosmoth, although I already had 2 in hand. I'd click on it, and tried clicking and…
Countown timer starts right away
I'm wondering if this is happening to anyone else. In every game I played today the countdown timer began as soon as my turn started giving me on average about 10 seconds per action. Sometimes the game would stall while the timer was still running causing my turn to end without me taking an action. 10 seconds is not enough…
Abilities Unresponsive Causing Losses
It feels so good to lose a match because the game just does not actually function at all. Used Archeops to dig all the energy out of my deck, leaving 2 cards left in the deck, both Boss' Orders. Guaranteeing the Oranguru draws one. Guess who isn't allowed to use his ability, I haven't used it this turn. His "Negative…
Amazing Yveltal didn't work against Flying Pikachu VMAX
When I attacked with Amazing Rare Yveltal into my opponents Flying Pikachu VMAX the attack didn't OHKO the opponent. Flying Pikachu VMAX's attack states "During your opponent's next turn, prevent all damage done to this Pokemon by attacks from Basic Pokemon." but Amazing Yveltal's attack isn't doing any damage, it's an…
Galarian Weezing vs Forest Seal Stone
What up gangstas Scenario is: I have Galarian Weezing in active slot. Opponent attaches Forest Seal Stone to a benched pokemon, uses Star Alchemy to search out an escape rope, forces my Weezing out, draws 5 cards from Crobat V etc etc etc Am I missing something? Shouldn't the Weezing's Neutralising Gas stop Star Alchemy…
Suspicious food tin
When drawing this card (either from deck, or prize card pool) sometimes it just stays big and the whole match freezes, only thing I can do is conceade or just close the game. Happens to me on pc. Situation takes place even if I win the game at this very moment (as in, drawing last card from prize pool, that happens to be…
Game is freezing a lot
Game continues to freeze during matches with the only way to break out of it is to concede. I think more time should be spent on the functionality on the game & less on the visual & graphics until the game has less bugs.
Working Very Slow
Every since the update today it runs much slower and more choppy on my laptop.
Scoop up net bug.
You are able to scoop up net your only people this ending the game