Water Animation flickering
the water animation is flickering white. Anybody else has noticed that issue?
Pokémon TCG live issues.
I have been playing Pokémon TCG live for a week now, I have been having issues with when I earn a pack of card, or exchange the rainbow coins for a few cards, not being able to use the cards I earn/exchange in decks I try to make. The game acts like I don't own the cards in question no matter if I earn then, buy them, or…
Battle Pass not available now
After a match I am not able to access the Battle Pass Menu. Anybody else got the same problem? When I restart the game I can access the battle pass again, but after one match same issue again.
Game Restarts Randomly on IPad
At random times it will just reboot the whole game, though it happens most frequently when I’m transitioning from a battle to the home screen.
Blissey V bug?
hi I lost a game in ranked because I right clicked on Blissey V to see how much health it has, and it said it's health was full even though I damaged it already, and I couldn't exit out to do any other game action. If these bugs are going to exist, please let me reset the game client on my end so I don't lose rating to…
Gift Energy bugged
Gift energy triggered against Regi's despite knocking it out with damage counters using Sableye.
Needs a Game/Action Log
any time your opponent shuffles something from their discard pile into their deck, there’s no animation to show you what they grabbed. This game needs a game log that you can read through to figure out what actions took place.
Congratulations PTCGL
Nice update to broke the Timer. Can't play Chesnaught V deck anymore because my timer runs down and I miss my turn unintentionally. Thank you.
Old Cemetery doesn’t trigger when you use Support, abilities, and item cards.
Has anyone else noticed that Old cemetery only triggers when you attach an energy without using a trainer card or ability? It should be triggering anytime you attach an energy regardless of how you do it. That’s how it’s supposed to work according to the rules and it’s not being reflected online properly. Which sucks…
Timer running at 3 seconds
since the msot recent update my turn timer is running at 3 seconds, including draw which means i cant do anything, where as my opponents seems to have infinite time to do their turns, which results in a ridiculous situation