this game is unplayable...

So as we know, the game globally but it does NOT work like AT ALL. It's literally unplayable.
First of all it runs like a powerpoint on my phone, tried to play a game, could't even choose my starter card (it chose for me for some god awfull reason) and before i could do anything (it was my opponents turn) i got a message that I lost bcs I was inactive for too long. No biggie I thought, let's try PC, so i migrated on pc and that went smoothly. BUT when I tried to play a game and placed down a quick ball card it did not load any of my decks cards. Next to that was my opponent here a naked hollow eyed monstrosity of a player avatar. I was forced to concede bcs of this, I tried this 2 times and it happened TWICE this time with an evolution incense. chalking me up for 3 losses already in ranked mode.
In casual play the cards get stuck in the air floating around a bit, nothing happening. Not able to do anything. Next to that if I have ANY card that says "search your deck for...." I cannot choose anything (like with the evolution incense and the quickball).
Next to this, if I try to test my deck on pc it just gets stuck loading nothing... What should've been fun is now a game that is unplayable in every regard...
Can anyone tell me what is going on here?
and if anyone has the same awfull problems?
Hello ScorpionWar,
I experiment the same issue on phone since the beta beginning and PC since the lastest update.
Previously PC game was working "relatively" fine.
The development team knows these issues and working on it, I hope it could be ok soon as I can't play any more too.
I will try to manage all my deck to latest card era as I started since Black/White era and probably have one or two on my deck, thanks TechHog.
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Game works perfectly fine in my laptop.
I've seen some other people mentioning that their game works fine only in their laptop, is this a coincidence or something the developers should be aware of?
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For me I literally can’t play anymore either idk if my iPhone and iPad is to old or if it’s the game I can’t play it on them cuz the game keep crashing either while searching for a match or right after it starts a match which gives me a auto lost so I cant rank up so I try to go play on laptop and what u know when I try to login it’s gets to 37 then either gives me a error code or just send me back to the login screen
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I can´t play in the laptop, but I can in android...
the worse problem in laptop is that the game freezes when I play a card or get a prize, the cart stays in the center and I cannot do anything other than surrender.
Another problem is that cards that search, like quick ball or ultra ball do not find any "targetable" card in the that, even if im sure that there are a pokemon 100% there.
Anhyone else with these problems? its literally unplayable...
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That happens to me too in the laptop, not on android...
But yes, this is unplayable, even for a beta (or even a alpha)
These are really really a big problem, because as you said, this is not playable at all (at least on laptop for some people like us)
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I’m experiencing a few problems. 1 the deck isn’t syncing after I edit both when A) I switch devices from iPad to iPhone and B) while I’m paying I get random changes from what I selected.
2 the shuffle mechanic or whatever it’s called is really bad as I can go 7+ turns without a single energy or a way to shuffle. My deck can tolerate some disadvantage but come on. This isn’t right.
3 the gloating that the characters do after the match is terrible sportsmanship and from what I’ve read is really not inline with the Pokémon code of conduct and these three things are making this game unplayable and I’m starting to not enjoy anything about Pokémon anymore.