Giratina and Cramorant give opponent infinite time
Playing against a lost box deck, my opponent did the following the sequence: Put Cramorant in active spot. Put Giratina on bench. Quick balled a Comfey into play and put it on the bench. Attached a psychic energy to Giratina on the bench. Game then crashed and gave the opponent an infinite clock. No response from opponent…
Frustration with the client
I can't even express my frustration with the Pokemon TCG client. How can such a big company put 0 resources into building a functioning TCG game? This is completely unacceptable and even compared to some indie card games, the Pokemon TCG Live is the worst of them all. Doesn't run well on any devices, overheats and drains…
on mobile phone samsung zfold 3 cant select cards in middle of screen sometimes
Unfortunately ive not been able to replicate the bug consistently but, ive lost several matches now because when i use card search cards like ultraball and quickball, if the pokemon i want to select is near the middle of my screen i cannot drag it up to the selection box. so im forced to select a pokemon i don't want to…
Question about a possible bug
I can't confirm this is a bug, but it feels very suspicious and wondering if anyone else has this same thing happen to them..... Often, probably 3 times in last 15 matches, I'll use primate wisdom ability with Oranguru and the card that I put back into the deck is the same card I get back. Seems odd when I only have 2 or 3…
Opponent time limit exceeded and I had to concede
Is this some of a big or is he cheating?
Unable to view battle pass after finishing game on PC
As title states, after launching and finishing a game I am unable to view the battle pass, it gives me the message "This feature is not available now. Please try again later." I found the only way to circumvent this is by restarting the client, then immediately accessing it, but after a game I lose access again. I have…
Sky seal stone banned why?
Thanks for the update. What's new? Sky seal stone banned. Why?
New Bugs...
1/ Glasses reset color 2/ Darkness background causes major bog down 3/ Getting random blue selection arrows lighting up on cards..
Neutralizing Gas vs Fusion Strike System
Galarian Weezing's Neutralizing Gas ability should shut down Genesect V's Fusion Strike System but it does not. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Ladder points issue
I was ranked Alakazam with 880 ladder points, but after losing to a Ho-Oh ranked opponent with 1500 ladder points, my ladder points were reduced to 800 and I was in Houndoom rank. After only one loss (and to a higher rank!) I am very confused because this is the first time I have ever seen such a large reduction in points.